Wolf RPG

Full Version: When there ain't a crack in the foundation
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It would be any day now.  This morning she'd woken to pains that radiated through her sides, but she wasn't worried.  This year wasn't like the last, and while they had her resting easy for the day, she could tell they were only a sign of how soon her time was.

Her teeth clenched as another cramp made her tense.  If anyone were around, she might ask for something to ease these, but Erzulie had taken their daughters for the day.

You are going to owe me one hell of a rent check.  Maybe a walk would do her some good.  She hoisted herself to her feet and snorted at her own awkwardness.  A short walk.
I think these two should have a new thread by now, don't you think? ;D

Rosalyn was getting bigger by the day, even for Rosencrantz he knew what was going on. His own stomach churned uncomfortably to think that there might some of his own blood on Rusalka too, something he had told the aging mother would help keep him around. Guilt plagued him for that silly answer but he wouldn't deny its truth.

Mind if I join you? Stopping his stride to walk alongside the beta, he wasn't quite sure what he should say but he had a million questions. He'd feel his way through this, this time, Rosencrantz would take extra care in the words he'd utter.
She twisted around when she heard him approach, long used to the habit of turning her head to the right.  Can I stop you? she asked, but it was with humor.  She didn't mind, despite the rough start to her day.  He wasn't bad company.

Erzulie took Solaire and Arcelia to the shore, Rosalyn said, though she doubted an explanation would be necessary. So I suppose I should enjoy the break.  Not much of a chance of that.  Not that their daughters were a burden - in fact, she wondered sometimes if such calm in their early weeks boded ill for later.
You can refuse. He added with his own humour. If Rosalyn didn't feel like spending time with the Gamma, he wouldn't take it personally. She was getting bigger, and who knows if she wanted to spend time with anyone other than her family right now.

He smiled at her, it was awkward with just the one side having functioning muscles to do such an action, but he did what he could. A break would certainly so her well. Is there anything I can do to help your "break"? Other than the usual. With Nieve asking him to hunt while she guarded, he spent most of his time trying to bring back as much food as he could into the caches. Most were small, and his ways were long - but he was getting accustomed to hunting with the strange depth perception.
I suppose I could. She replied, and supposed she shouldn't be surprised.  His humor was literal, but his frank respect was the reason she'd chosen him.

His smile was a ghastly thing, from a certain angle, but she shouldn't be one to judge.  Just take a side, and set me upright if I topple over. She replied with a casual indifference, then smiled.  This year is not so bad as last.  I'll credit my discerning taste.  The humor was not meant to be a barb at her previous children, and she dismissed the thought soon as it occurred.  It was a shot at their father.  Her ordeals last year had been mostly her doing, but in time, she'd set much of it at his feat.  Easy to do when he was long gone from defending himself.
I will. Though he hoped nothing of the sorts would come to that. He hadn't spent much time around pregnant women in his years, this was perhaps his first being in a pack long enough to see the products of breeding season. It was strange, like a whole new world he had just been exposed to, and this time, he was interested in being a part of it all from beginning to end.

Her words caught his attention, curiously he had to ask despite it seeming like a strange question to ask, even for him. Does it actually make a difference? From the sound of it, it sounded as if the choice of the father did either make the pregnancy a good one or a terrible one, not that he thought of the presence of Rosalyn's last litter being nonexistent cross his mind and perhaps that he himself still being here is what made it "different".

For him right now, he imagined different donors reacting differently to a female - which would be the first time he had ever heard of such a thing.
She laughed.  He looked so startled at what had been a carelessly thrown comment.  In many ways, of course it does.  She said.  Perhaps she shouldn't be surprised; if he had no children, he perhaps wouldn't know.

Less so with us, maybe.  But whether the men are mates or no, they are around, and they make a difference.  She said, with a slight smirk behind her smile.  Even if you leave, it changes things.

Perhaps he hadn't considered yet what it meant.  But the entire pack was changed when children entered it - even Erzulie's children, who shared none of his blood, would feel his impact. Rusalka was small but stronger this year than last in many ways.  This was a good thing.