Wolf RPG

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55F°, currently it is mostly cloudy and set during the day. Located in Northstar Vale, den | ooc notes: puppies don't have to post, just tagging them in case you guys want to! | tagging: @Hiromi  @Hotaru, @Haruki and @Sumi if you guys want to post!

@Takeshi had been giving her the cold shoulder lately, for the better she thought to herself. If she could spend more time with the puppies and less with him, it was all for the better. The Empress found peace with her children, humming lullabies to soothe them should they wriggle and cry - always be around to feed them unless she was dealing with her own necessities but even that was done quickly to return by their side. @Hime was taking care of the pack, and so, Reiko found herself to be rather useless to anyone else other than the lives by her side. Though the time spent with the puppies was precious, it also saddened her to think that she was not necessarily needed. Perhaps this was why she was feeling sleepy, she was at peace oddly enough.
cameo unless given reason to post again!

Hotaru was blissfully unaware of the drama in her mother's life. She often found herself curled close to her siblings or mom until she was hungry and today was no exception. The small girl stretched sprawling out before nestling close to Reiko's side to try and find a comfortable position to sleep.
Like his sister, Haruki too was oblivious to the happenings beyond the den, distracted enough as he was with his own troubles that came in the form of an early tooth trying to force its way through his gums. Although only a tiny white nub at the moment, it would soon grow into a sharp incisor - a handy tool to have when fully grown, though for the time being it only caused the boy pain.

He had been comforting himself to sleep by suckling (perhaps a little too harshly for their poor mother), but was jostled out of position as Hotaru stretched. His eyes snapped open, all traces of drowsiness instantly disappearing as his food source was rudely taken away. With a cry that turned into an indignant huff, Haruki's attention was now focused back onto the pain in his mouth. He desperately swung his blurry gaze around and, instead of trying to find a teat once more, the pup began the long, slow journey towards Reiko's curled paw in an attempt to latch onto that instead.