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for @Ira : )

It was important to get this information spread, and unite the good who worked to defeat the evil. At a time Hydra had spread the word of the dark wolves, Merrick and his companion, who harmed the innocent. Now here she had found her own little huddle of criminals- it was only right to make sure order would be maintained in these Wilds by keeping others safe, and perhaps weaponizing if it ever came to it.

But most important now was ensuring the innocent were aware of the dangers which lurked nearby. She knew very little about the pack whose borders she had come across, but a lot could be learned at first impressions- especially their character and intentions here, just by the things which their leader might speak of, how they treated guests, and the like. It was here, at the border, where Huā halted to howl for the presence of any who might have time to hear important words. And then she took a couple steps back to ensure a respectful distance, settling onto dark haunches to wait.
It had been a while since a call reached their borders or at least one that required the Count's attention. Perhaps that was due to Hieronymous' contributions, the male had been keeping her strict patrol shifts in her pregnancy leave. Even though the voice called for leadership, Ira could not leave her kids alone so @Hieronymous would stay behind as she slipped away.

A woman of dark and light sat just beyond the borders, the scent on her pelt only vaguely familiar, but not one she could place right away. To Ira's content, she kept her distance, respectful of the boundaries they had worked hard to set. With so many scents on her pelt she couldn't be looking to join, no she must be a messenger. You have reached Kaistleoki. I am one of the leading figures you requested. What is the purpose of your call? She was careful to keep a pleasant tone despite the more robotic message. Ira had taken note that perhaps it was not best for the leadership to appear as stone-faced as she usually was.
Wow. The woman that showed up was, well, very professional. So had been Lumiya, and Hydra carried that vibe too... were Huā and Mal the only ones who greeted eachother so casually? It was alright though- this was a woman of business, and Huā did not wish to waste her time, so she cut to the point. A salute came in the form of a low bow, as if she was back home at 海龙泻湖 and meeting the emperor himself. Then she rose again, Greetings, I am Huāzhēn Jiāng. I lead pack on island called Yuèlóng. I want to seek out a possible alliance; and warn you of a nearby danger which may become threat to you as well. She was quiet then, not wanting to overwhelm the woman with a waterfall of words, and so awaited her initial response.
So she was a leader? Her accent was thick and the names she offered were foreign, it was intriguing. It wasn't often Ira ran into those from lands further than her own. Yuèlóng... The Count was careful as she tested the word on her tongue. She hadn't heard of them, there was no telling how far her land was, but her words suggested danger. I go by Ira. I'm afraid I know nothing of your pack, I would like to know more before jumping to an alliance, but I will speak with my advisor. After all, even if she was keen on starting a new relationship Ira no longer led alone. She would have to keep Hieronymous updated. Perhaps she could send a Herald or two to investigate her land and their ways.

Perhaps with time, the two could become close, allies were never a bad thing to have, but there were more pressing matters. What are these dangers you speak of? The roan warrior could only hope they were not as close as Huāzhēn suggested. Her pups were just starting to enter the outside world and of course, there were dangers, but they were not ready for new threats. Not that she would offer that piece of information to a stranger.
sorry this post ends kinda awkwardly i just didnt want to put all the info in one post and have the thread be over too quickly LOL

Ira, as it was, said that she ought to know more about Yuèlóng before making any moves towards an alliance. Very well then- other packs had not always been so careful, but if this Kaistleoki wished to fact-check, good for them. Besides, Huā realized she ought to be more careful too. If Donovan had come to her home requesting an alliance and put on a fake show of peace, she could've been fooled into a deal with the devil. 

Moving on to the most important part, ensuring these people were well informed. Just northwest of here- She paused to cant black muzzle in the direction of the territory, Is forest where trees leak red sap. This is where two criminals have settle with intent to create pack- Donovan, a wolfdog- very violent, and a kidnapper of the innocent. His associate is an insane woman of mottle brown who is also very violent and aggressive. If you wish, I will go into more detail about the specific of their crimes...
all good lol we'll make it last ;)

The woman seemed to have no issue with her stance on allies, or at least she would not show it. They could discuss some details shortly, for now, she would take heed of her warning. Perhaps it was one step to build the alliance she sought, after all she had come out of her way to warn them, wolves she had no connection to.

As Huā motioned to some distant land, Ira would allow her gaze to follow. She knew nothing of this Donovan, but it seemed he lingered nearby. A pack under the rule of a madman and violent kidnapper would be terrible news for the river wolves. Are there only these two? her expression became hardened as her eyes flicked back to the other leader. I would like to hear the rest of your information. I do not like the idea of a pack like that settling so close.
wall of speech my bad TT

Only these two that I know of, but they may acquire more, She worried, and when invited, continued. First. Donovan kidnaps a woman from a northern pack, hold her hostage away from home. My scout-warrior Aiolos help to rescue her, free her, but Donovan tears at his throat while she escape, and me and my general Minori save him with help of stranger. He is torn violently at the throat. Second. The woman come to my beach, bother sea lion population without hunting, scare them. This is... I cannot see them scare away, because this prey important to my pack in later month. When we request she leave due to her dis-disturbance, she call us sluts, get in my face, threaten the pregnant women who are with me. We have to fight her off. Third. I meet a woman call Praimfaya, young warrior torn half-to-death on beach. I ask her, what happen? She tell me she look for safe passage through their land, which only marked by two wolves- and the woman tries to kill her there, man stops her but Praimfaya is already violently torn. Huā's expression was grim, and she sighed, brow furrowing with stress. I already speak to Seelie Court queen, Lumiya, if you know her. She tell me the man trespass in her land, laugh at and disrespect her. When I first meet him, he pretend to be nice. I think this is his act, to hide his violent side- but he is a danger man, truly. And with a final release of deep breath, I do not like this, either. They just as close to my land as they are to your.
It's ok it happens LOL

Ira listened quietly, there wasn't much to add on her own side, but that didn't exactly bother her. What did bother her were the sickening stories of violence and slander the sea wolf had to share. To hear more than one proven account only made matters more concerning. She would have to look into this group herself. She had grown unaware that her features slipped, but a light scowl had settled upon her face as she fell into her thoughts. At the very least, there were only two. Even if it took the whole pack her wolves would be more than capable of taking care of them should it come down to it, they would just have to be taken care of before more settled.

Another name caught the Count's attention, a Queen, Lumiya. She hadn't heard of her nor her pack, but they must also lay nearby for this man to trespass so freely. This Court you speak of, where have they settled? Perhaps she could learn more from their leader as well. Her own wolves would have to keep on high alert though incase the half breed crossed their lands. She would not allow him to tarnish the lives that have worked so hard to build a new start here. I appreciate your warning, it provides trust I'm willing to invest in once I've learned more. I might know of this group, a woman visited here a few weeks ago seeking relations with our pack. We have yet to follow up with them as I have been busy raising my kids, but perhaps it is the same wolves you speak of. If that is the case then you have saved us from whatever trickery they might be plotting.
wrap soon ish?

Ira inquired the location of the court, and Huā gestured black muzzle to the north, where the forest lay past the sunspire. The willows, they call it, just over this mountain. And Lumiya tell me she think it may be good idea to remove these criminal before they are too comfortable. She tell me too, of another queen Reiko, who she believe might be willing to help. I have not speak to her yet, but will visit her next. Huā explained, unaware that Ira and the pale empress were acquainted. 

At the thank you, Huā dipped her head humbly, ears flattened almost shyly to her skull. It is no problem. If you meet her again, I wish you safety and be careful- and if you decide that you are also interested in removing them, let me know. I am go to tell other peace packs of these people, but after that, you find me back at island on coast. I will be planning. She murmured, gaze flitting somewhere distant as if the gears were already turning quickly within her mind.
last from me!

Once more the Count's gaze followed the direction offered. She had yet to venture north past the mountains aside from her trip to Whitebark Stream, but maybe now was a good time to. I don't want a pack like that settling either, but first I must make my own judgments. Reiko is a good wolf, she's my friend and former apprentice, our packs are linked. If Reneian Empire is also troubled by these two then so is Kaistleoki. It also seemed that the Empress knew of this Seelie Court. If they were close then the Queen's word was likely good.

It seemed that she had heard all the news Huā had to offer and she was intent on spreading the news further so she wouldn't waste more of her time. I'll be sure to visit after I have concluded my own findings. Perhaps then we can speak more of this alliance you seek. With nothing left to say she'd offer a nod and wait for the woman to retreat from the borders before taking her own leave.
At Ira's comment that she must make her own judgements, Huāzhēn nodded, understanding. Finding out the Reneian Empire and Kaistleoki were linked was helpful- if Lumiya convinced Reiko, then Ira might join in too- though Huā figured that the stone woman would already establish her own opinions by that point. Still, she was hopeful that Ira would not be fooled by any false words from the criminals. The count seemed like an intelligent woman who would not give in easily to their games. 

Very well. I will be awaiting your visit; thank you for your time. With that Huā dipped her head in a second bow, and turned tail to leave, making her way towards the mountains now to spread the word further.