Wolf RPG

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forwarded to 7-16-2020
vague vague and tag for references

Her leg had been punctured by @Memory, throat had marks, and a few other areas to match. Though she would heal, and as it's been a few days since then, the wounds were closed, and the dry blood had been washed. No one could tell she was injured, for her long, and well-kept fur hid any visual of the fight. It was there, however. 

Even with such, it didn't really stop her from wandering, to the point she even went up to the highest peak, and back down. Her goal in the previous time was only for him to drop in obedience, so she didn't go for any kill-streaks, and expected the same. So, now her adventure took her near the coast!

The way to there passed to a field, one whom she had quite clear memories over.. A white wolf of the sea, a grand warrior, who Orlaith managed to defeat. However the place was rather unsettling, as it almost seemed the wind whispered the cries of the fallen. She wished to pass quickly, despite the nosalgia.
wounded women seemed a common commodity. she’d wandered from the island after her encounter with the broken yearling, crossed the land bridge, and made her way toward the mainland where she saw another battered wolfess.

here, it was unlikely that anyone spoke their language, so ying defaulted to common for her hesitant greeting. hello, she said, quiet and inaudible, then followed with a proper, hello there. 

regret immediately set in. speaking had become tiresome, draining, and now she’d wasted her few moments of solitude by catching someone else’s attention. oh, well.
Speaking of the devil.

What a fucking coincidence.

"Hey there Ying, nice to see you again." She rather liked this mermaid of the sea, enjoying another warrior. Especially since she rained supreme upon winning. Though previously, as it had been getting dark, the flaming wolf said her farewhells, and was quick to retreat back home. Since then, she had not seen the woman. Orlaith simply assumed she was always in Yuelong- only now finding out what the place was called. 

"You back for another round?" Even if battered, the sovereign stood tall and firm, an arrogant smile full of play, as she was quite ready for more.
what kind of wolf had ying once been? it seemed that everyone knew her, and while learning about this group of stragglers she’d left behind was comforting, it was equally unsettling to know that she no longer knew any of them. 

ying thought about turning back for the island, but the lack of an excuse for her to give was what kept her planted. sure, she replied, assuming that the woman meant a spar, i think that i have time.

her warrior’s build had been softened by motherhood, and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been in battle, but thick layers of muscle still rippled beneath her summer coat. ying waited patiently for orlaith to make the first attack, should she have misunderstood the proposition.
A widened smile, which backed down to a more sly grin as she moved closer to the ground. Orlaith had the training and knew the proper way to move, a body, close to the floor itself, tail between the legs, and ears down. Center of gravity, was key, but she knew with her leg being tampered, it was harder.

But fuck it, right?

So with a rush! The wolf of embers and ashes charged without a hesitation, she didn't give a word and simply was going full-forth in an attempt to tackle. However, with the abundent of energy bursting through, one-side lopsided, as her leg winced with the pain of the previous injury. She was not steady, but Orlaith ignored her mistake.
orlaith’s rushed attack was semi-successful; she collided with some force into ying’s shoulder, sending an ache to her spine. ying’s counter-attack was a lunge aimed for the woman’s flank, which (if successful) she would hold onto in an attempt to drag her down. 

had she been more confident, ying might have gone for the injured hindleg, but knew that it could both further an injury and turn this spar into a proper fight.
Perhaps she was not destined to win this battle, as the warrior was dragged into the ground. Should be thankful her leg was not injured, however it made it harder to properly stand afoot. Balance was not there, and Orlaith, tumbled down, "suppose you got better," she grumbled, and snorted in a 'humph,' before letting a chuckle float by.
really? she asked. seeing the woman’s technique made ying embarrassed to learn of her prior loss(es), but she chose to keep her face neutral to avoid insult. making a second attack without giving orlaith a moment to gather herself seemed unfair, so ying would wait for her opponent to make another move before continuing with their spar.
Orlaith nodded and laughed, while she adjusted herself back up, "yeah, you win." Honestly she didn't want to admit this loss, and refused to do, instead excused herself, "can't stress our wounds too much." Her leg wasn't horribly damaged to the point she was off, but enough that it gave hinderance. There was also the fact the more she played with it, the worse it can be- so the fire fairy said.

It was just because she wasn't fully healed, yeah.

"But i'll win next time."
next time — she wouldn’t be returning to these wilds after this trip’s end, but telling the woman her truth felt cruel. ying didn’t know their relationship, only that they seemed amicable, and losing a friend twice wasn’t something she wished for orlaith to experience.

she watched her opponent submit, counting the spar in ying’s favor. next time, she agreed with a nod, until then. unless stopped, she would turn in another direction to resume her leave from the island.
She flashed a grin toward the white wolf, and started to walk back herself. Orlaith didn't know too well on alliances, especially so with Ying being in their coastal ally, but only assumed so by her sea-salt scent. It felt refreshing to know that if she were to visit, that wolf would be back; at least, she hoped so.

Satisfied today, despite a loss, home was calling.