Wolf RPG

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Dæg had not stalled after the attack. Though little was still known of the man or woman who he had met in the days before, the leviathan had brushed by her scent before on his way south; he knew where home was for her. And though he had been dealt his own serving of wounds, and had rested for a few days in the aftermath of the incident, soon the druid was on his feet again. The borders became clear as he wandered upon them. Dægmar stiffened there, settling immediately. He did not wish to encroach upon their territory- simply wished to see if the woman had made it home safely. Though she was fiery and he knew nothing about her truly, there was a businesslike quality and a casual beauty to her that had him fret over his exiting of the scene in a moment so crucial for several days after. Refocusing himself and his intentions, he howled for the presence of some leader here, anyone who might be able to report to him- or someone he could report to in turn.
A call came for leadership, and Artyom did not hesitate to go to it. He moved swiftly through the pale trees in the direction from which it had sounded, so certain he was that this newcomer had come to deliver news of Surya's whereabouts.

"Hello?" Artyom greeted, hesitation in his voice as he detected the metallic tang of wolf blood in the air. Warm eyes swept over the stranger, whose hide was marred in places- suggestive of a recent scuffle. "What happened? Are you alright?" 

A pale man was there to greet him quickly, even fretting over the recent wounds. Dægmar glanced down at the scars on his flank and shook his head, golden gaze return to the male. I am okay. Zank ye for yer concerns. He breathed, tail batting lightly against his heels. I came to talk to ye about a voman I met upon ze river recently. Dawn, of Vitebark Stream. Ven ve vere zere, zere was a man who called 'imself Donovan Azura of ze Abbey. I donnae know vhy, but he attacked 'er. I tried to stay vith 'er but ultimately ze man vas too much. I wanted to check and see, if she 'as made it 'ome safely. Dægmar explained without hesitation, head dipping solemnly towards the end of his words.
@Aphrodite was his first thought. A regular when it came to intercepting strangers along their borders and in neighbouring territories, Artyom hoped she'd heard this one's call and thought to attend.

"We have healers here," he shared, despite the raven's assurance that he was well enough. Whitebark would never turn away a wolf in need, but all concern he felt for his newest acquaintance was shelved - replaced at once by cold fear to hear Dawn's name on his tongue.

Donovan. Artyom gritted his teeth, felt the muscles of his jaw tense. He knew this name too, and it did nothing to stem the fresh flow of anxiety that pulsed rapidly through his veins.  "She has not returned," the gilded Alpha shared, voice weighted by the terror of his private thoughts, "she... she is my mate. Please," a frantic edge to his tone then, as dark eyes lifted pleadingly to seek the champagne of the passenger's own gaze, "can you recall which way she went?"

They had healers, he explained. Very good. When the man explained that Dawn had not returned, his eyes widened, fur raising uncomfortably along his spine. God, was this his fault? For not sticking around enough for her? He was too concerned about Dawn in that moment to worry about the fact that she was married- those thoughts would come later. I donnae know. I vished to track her, but I vas too injured, zerefore slow, and 'ad to rest instead. He shared quietly, solemn. Ze beginnings of 'er trail went towards ze norzwest, if zat 'elps.