Wolf RPG

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@Selamuit @Kallik @Taktuq - sibling time!
Tags for reference!

Ever since @Alsek had helped Ikiaq first leave the den and visit the lavender patch, the brown boy had become slightly more bold about his adventures. No, he did not travel far, but he would go to the flowers and back. Enough to stretch his legs and visit his preferred place with the lavender. 

Today, he had an idea. He'd already gotten lavender for @Valette, but it hadn't occurred to him that his siblings might want one too!

So, he picked the flowers - three long stems - and padded back to the den, baby blue eyes round as he placed the lavender on the ground. He let out a short bark, hoping to call his brothers and sister's attention
Kallik had been napping, and the bark from outside woke him with a start. He jumped up and looked around, having been woken from a recurring nightmare where he was running and running from some big black monster but not actually getting anywhere. He always woke just before the darkness reached him and never was actually able to see it clearly. 

He panted and looked around, confused for a few moments before he got his bearings. The sound had come from his brother who he now realized was outside. Kallik trotted from the den and stopped in front of his brother, looking at him curiously and then at the purple flowers in the same way. When he looked back to Ikiaq it was with a questioning look. What did he want Kallik to do with these? He sniffed them and realized how nice the scent was but then he looked back to his brother, question in his expression again.
Kallik was the only one who approached, at least for now. And he seemed to be confused by the offering, even though Ikiaq thought it was probably the coolest thing he could bring. Weren't the flowers pretty? Didn't they smell good? Were they not as good presents as he thought they were initially? Because Alsek had liked them.

"They presents!" he enthused, tail waving behind him as he nudged the lavender toward his littermate. "They pretty. Flowers." He had only recently learned how to actually say the word. "Do you like them?"
Well, he knew they were flowers, but it wasn't until his brother called them presents that he realized why he had brought them there. 

When Ikiaq asked if he liked them, a small smile appeared on his face, which was currently a rare occurrence for Kallik, and he nodded. He lowered his nose once more and drew in the nice scent, trying to tie it together with his brother in this moment so that he could recall it some other time when he was feeling anxious. He took a step towards Ikiaq and offered a few licks to his cheek—his way of expressing his gratitude since he couldn't actually say thank you.
His brother approached and licked his cheek, and Ikiaq let out a soft laugh, nuzzling up to his sibling in return. It made him feel good to make Kallik smile - it seemed like all of them were stuck in this funk lately, and though he knew why, Ikiaq was now determined to get out of it. With the flowers and Alsek and his siblings and Valette. The world was really beautiful. 

"I can show you them. They grow," he explained, tail wagging back and forth. The lavender field was one of the only places he was comfortable going - it was safe, there. "Wanna go?"
His smile grew at his brother's return affection. With everything that had happened lately, he was glad to have Dad, his siblings, and Valette. 

The smile quickly fell from his face, though, when Ikiaq mentioned leaving the safety of the den site. The thought of more flowers did seem nice, but that thought was completely overshadowed by his deep fear of leaving. All he could think about was mom, and then how angry dad had been when he wandered off last time—how everything had blown up and turned confusing and scary—Greyback's stern voice telling him to watch when it was the absolute last thing he wanted to do—the way he hadn't been able to obey. It was all too much.

Kallik backed up a little, his eyes widening as he shook his head. It was too dangerous to leave.