Wolf RPG

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moving thread! decided to make this a generalized RO to keep things simple. dated for the evening of the 31st. as of August 1st, Yuèlóng will be moved to Neverwinter until storms subside! (1 month!)

Huā felt the strangeness of nature- something gathering in the universe, a dark energy. At first she thought it was delusion. But soon enough @Astaroth , and @Ruò had had the same concerns. The naturalists, and some others, could sense something coming. Though the island was isolated, she was not sure she felt safe keeping the pack there when something powerful was brewing. She spoke with @Aiolos , perhaps inviting another naturalist, and after some discussion, convinced him. They had to head inland... to be safe. 

@Minori , @Tzila , @Orochi , @Ying ... @Takara , @Daiyu , @Hide , @Nimueh, @Lei ... some took more convincing than others. Surely some thought her and the others that felt it coming delusional. But Huā knew in the days to come, her prediction might be proven right. Huā watched over @Luli and Nüwu , but could not keep track of all her kids, and asked Aiolos to monitor @Haoming , while Astaroth looked over @Xiaoqing . Of course Tzila carried the little @Sotiris , and @Miwa and @Naoyuki were guided by their mothers. @Huojin quietly tread beside Ruo, likely avoiding the water as it lapped at the edges of the bridge. Of course Huā chose a time when the sea was low- so that none who feared the water might have to wet their feet. @Hela trailed at the back, recovering, but Huā could not watch her well, having to look after rowdy children. 

Once they arrived on land, Huā was quick to guide them to the place she had already picked- their closest allies, Neverwinter. And only hoping @Mal would receive them with open arms... he wanted to see the kids after all, right?