Wolf RPG

Full Version: I'll hang my head beside the willow tree
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Set after this thread. Just adding fuel to the fire of conflict between Easthollow and Ursus, no biggie, la dee daaaaa

Whimpering bitterly, Oryx limped her way back to the plains, head tilted to the side as the cavity of her right ear filled with blood. A scarlet trail followed her with every step as the blood flowed down the side of her face, past her shoulder and to her paw where she left droplets of blood with every step she took. Afraid she might attract unwanted attention in her state, she'd made a beeline for the pack's borders, and once she found herself safely at home, she called out for help. The sound of her own voice resonated inside her head, making her squint in pain; she knew that it was only because of the amount of blood that had pooled inside her ear cavity, but it was unpleasant nonetheless. 

The sliver beneath her right eye where the trespasser had bitten her on that day had re-opened, and wept saguine tears down her cheek toward her jawline. Along her jaw were puncture wounds from fangs, and beyond her brow little more than a ragged stump where her ear used to be, chewed down and torn away just above her temple. She knew it wasn't a lethal wound- but by god, head wounds could really bleed. Weakened from blood loss, she flopped to the ground, panting with soft, short breaths, hoping that someone might be able to come to her aid soon.
He knew his father would not be happy by his wandering off, but the thought of his domineering father was not at the forefront of Selamuit's thoughts. No in fact he wasn't thinking of the bear at all, the boy was to distracted by the trail of blood littering the grass at his paws. It wasn't the first time he had smelt or seen the crimson liquid, no in fact he was quite used to it. But the call of Oryx wasn't something he was used to.

With a furrowed brow and a much to serious expression, Sela slowed as he followed the trail and the noise. He wasn't hesitant to approach the woman, and his brows softened into concern. "You ok?" His inuttuk was much better then his english, but Sela could manage well enough in both languages. Her head was bleeding, and her ear.... was missing. At the shocking realization Sela gasped and took a step back.
She felt nauseous, though she knew it would pass once she'd taken some time to rest. She hadn't lost enough blood to be in any real danger, but had summoned her packmates as it was likely of interest to them that the female who'd trespassed not long ago was on the hunt for stray Easthollow wolves. That, and she needed some help- someone to help tend to the wounds on her face and jawline, and someone to reassure her that things would be alright. In the end, fate would send the brother of the child the trespasser had been keen on abducting. 

Her eyes slid open when she heard his high, sweet voice- and it was only when he gasped that she lifted her head to see him. He looked frightened, though she figured he had every right to be. The poor child had come to know injury and death with such familiarity already, that her ghastly appearance was likely a horrible reminder of their own mortality. A soft whisper of a whine worked its way past her lips and she set her head down again. "I need help. Can you find your Dad?" She asked. She hasn't seen much of Siarut...But knew that he would be reliable and resourceful.
Closing his mouth, his jaw having fallen open at the sight of her mangled face and ear, Selamuit swallowed thickly and nodded his head. As mature and wise as the young boy already was, this was not the situation for a child. With a quivering lip, Sela turned to head back to the rendezvous site. There would be consequences for wandering off, but once again this was not the first thought on his mind. There would be an adult with his siblings, there always was. Even when it wasn't his father, it was his aunt, or his uncle, or a cousin.

He hadn't made it two feet, before he was barreling into the tall legs and broad chest of his father...
His return from patrol was met with the tangy scent of copper and the vibrant glare of red. Blood trailed along the ground, churning with the scent of Oryx and the faint scent of a less familiar canid. But, Siarut did remember it. He snarled as he dropped his head and followed the trail. As his packmates scent grew stronger, the intruders wained, but was met swiftly by that of his son. Picking up his pace to a trot, Siarut happened upon the ebony woman just as his eldest rammed into his legs.

Looking down at the boy, with a raised brow and a slightly narrowed gaze, Siarut obviously portrayed his disapproval. But now was not the time to reprimand his son. "Sit. And stay there." He spoke softly, sidestepping the boy who dropped his head with a solemn nod, but his curious gaze still trailed his father to see what he would do now.

"Oryx? What happened?" Concern dripped from his words, and he approached slowly his head lowered crouching slightly to seem less intimidating. "Ouch." He muttered softly, seeing the leaking wound atop her head and the torn skin. With a grimace, he refocused on her eyes, seeking an answer.
She heard a soft thump, and opened her eyes to see that the young one had unintentionally walked straight into the long, pale forelegs of his father who had appeared as though summoned by spirits. She heard him chastize his son, and Oryx felt bad- perhaps she shouldn't have asked him to do tasks for her, and perhaps Siarut was not comfortable with his children meeting the more distant members of the family yet...She felt a bit responsible for the child, and offered him an empathetic look as he obediently listened to his father. 

She sat up slightly, raising her head so that he could inspect the wounds. He might be able to see better if he didn't have to crouch in his own shadow. "The trespasser," She said. "The one...She smells like a pack," She said, though having had no experience with any other members of Ursus, she had no name to give in relation to the attack. "She ambushed me while I was out searching for herbs. She wants vengeance." Her jaw felt stiff and sore when she spoke, so she decided that might be something she'd have to rest. "Can you help me get to the stream...I can't hear out of this ear, it's full of blood..." She said.