Wolf RPG

Full Version: Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast
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Arielle's curiosity grew exponentially with every week of life she gained, and now that she was able to get around fairly easily and see more than just fuzzy colors and shapes, she was eager to see what else was in the world outside the den and the area directly around it. 

So she wandered outside and then continued to wander, following after the bright red bird and not at all paying attention to where she was going. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance, followed soon after by a flash across the sky. The rain continued today, as at it had in the previous days. Wet fur was a nuisance at first, but she had quickly gotten used to it, and she certainly wouldn't let it keep her from exploring. 

The bird led her to a more forested part of the territory, and she was instantly overwhelmed by all the new things there were to check out. A small stream caught her attention first, and she trotted over to it, the bird forgotten for now. The water was shallow and trickled over a bed of multi-sized rocks. The rain meant the water flowed a little faster and was a little deeper, but it wasn't enough to keep her from leaping onto one of the rocks. Her paws slipped a little on the slick surface, but she managed to find her balance. She jumped from rock to rock, finally settling on a large one and taking a seat. She watched the water trickle by, wondering what it might bring from upstream for her to play with.