Wolf RPG

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set a few hours after this. he’s in neverwinter im just to lazy to move this. tags for reference! @Hide @Huā

He’s heard the sky roar like this before. It scared him then, and admittedly it scares him now. There was an urge to hide just as he had those many months ago, but he didn’t want to be alone this time.

Orochi tried to track down his friend as best he could. Easier said then done. The mud, the noise, and the periodic flashing made it much more difficult. But the yearling put on a brave face to mask the ever growing anxiety. That mask began to slip as more and more time passed.

Hide! He wasn’t meticulously looking anymore. He ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, calling out the boy’s name every so often.

Orochi found a sign eventually. There was a faint metallic smell in the air, and that led him to an indent in the earth. It wasn’t visible anymore (all thanks to the rain that began to pick up) but there had been blood here. And Hide’s scent was intertwined with it. Orochi lowered his head to sniff the dirt, then shot back up to look around frantically. 

Orochi sprinted forward. He lost too many people in his life. He wasn’t going to lose Hide too.