Wolf RPG

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set directly after this thread. for @Astara <3

Merrick had said he deserved this newfound rank of his, but he did not feel right about it. Not until he had talked it over with the other leader and get her opinion on the subject. 

The healer walked toward the shadow's den, head lowered and ears angled forward. He didn't know if she was there or not, but it was the only place that he could think to look. "Leila?" he called, tilting his head to the side and setting himself down to wait. "Are you here?"
astara watched evien's form as it hobbled up the path that marked her den; her children were elsewhere, but the blackbird lingered on a slab of stone just above the den mouth.

evien was given her full attention, by way of perked ears and flat gaze. meanwhile, her dark paws dangled idly over the lip of stone, trailing in lazy circles as she enjoyed one of the last summer afternoons the teekon had to offer.
Evien settled at the base of the stone, looking up at the woman and studying her expression. Blank, but it was not always that way. Leila might seem that way from time to time, but she actually had a rather wide range of expressions to show, other than just neutral or angry. He wondered what she might feel after he told her what he needed to. 

"Merrick asked me if I wanted to co-lead with you two." There was no need for beating around the bush. He wouldn't get verbal responses, anyway, and he didn't want to wear on her patience. "I said yes. I would love to, of course - it'd be an honor. But only if that's something you're okay with." Having Leila's approval would solidify it - if it wasn't something she wanted, he'd step down right away.
astara felt that evien was, perhaps, measuring her -- she sat placidly enough, waiting.

and there it was -- the real reason for his summons. astara flicked an ear appreciatively, but naturally had no comment. she had never been a powerhungry wolf -- incidentally, she had never envisioned being a leader herself, but fate had a strange way of doling out the cards, and it just so happened she pulled a queen.

astara nodded once, in acceptance -- approval even -- of merrick's choice. evien had been with them the longest, he had seen ursus from infantile suckling to roaring bear -- who better then, to lead the charge, than the man that had helped fashion it?
A nod. That was the best Evien could've hoped for. 

He was not powerhungry. Bossy? Yes. But not because he sought power or status. It was more because it was harder to treat patients when they were running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. Or because maybe if they didn't start fights all the time he wouldn't have to treat them anyway.

But that was obviously not going to happen. It was fine. He was used to it by now. Accepted it, even.

Evien smiled a bit at the black wolf, his eyes crinkling. "Thank you," he told her earnestly, then tipped his head to the side. "That was all I needed. Unless you need something from me?" he questioned. If she had injuries that needed treated, or just wanted to have someone to be beside for a little while. He wouldn't mind staying out in the sunshine for a while.
evien smiled, that single expression pouring liquid sunlight into a face both tired and -- to astara -- possibly ruminative. it transformed his eyes, his muzzle, his posture even -- while it would be some time yet before evien became kill-brother, astara was struck for the first time by the observation that he was handsomely different than merrick; in many ways.

she brushed off that foreign emotion, canting her head to the side in response to evien's question. she needed nothing (for now, anyway - check back after she goes full metal amgery at nyra), but was content to stay within his presence a while longer.

after all, was that not what wolves did? live together, eat together, (sleep together), hunt together, breathe together? the blackbird's heavy eyes fluttered as she picked a soft spot in the den to rest, paws out in front of her and her hind end tucked under a belly still heavy with signs of childbirth.
It was fairly obvious that his presence was at the very least tolerated, here. Evien cautiously stepped forward to lay a few feet away from the darker wolf, chin coming to rest on his paws. There, he studied her for a moment, fur touched lighter in the sunlight. 

Leila was beautiful - there was no doubt about that - but in this stillness, she was even more so.

I can see why Merrick loves you.

Both facets of her, fierce and calm, were striking in their own ways. She was... unique, different, interesting. Enchanting. Something dangerous and beautiful at the same time - a rose, with thorns dipped in poison. 

A sigh pulled from his muzzle and he let his eyelids drift slightly. These thoughts would get him nowhere, but... sometimes he couldn't help himself.

the healer bent to his stomach, resting several feet from astara.

she knew she was being watched. sphinx-like and silent, astara tolerated it -- for a great many things could be learned by watching.

he was so very different from her rook. soft in ways that merrick was irresolutely hard, kind in ways where her rook was nothing but magnificently violent. and from that wellspring of difference astara wondered just for a moment how different things would be if --

her eyes became heavy. for once, let ursus enjoy the peaceful lull. they would not have much peace in their lives otherwise. astara slyly glanced to the healer once before she placed her head upon her paws and loosened a quiet sigh into the world.