Wolf RPG

Full Version: maybe it was me who was fucking up
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She was on the move again, once more not terribly far from her home on the mountain, certainly close enough to see it rise above the lands and pierce the clouds. There was a wanderlust deep within that many Ostregas struggled with but Keres had always been able to keep it at bay at the very least by actively exploring the places around her home. She had done it both when she was part of her birthpack and part of her mate's pack; present times would be no different.

That, ultimately, was the reason she found herself at the Quarry, peering down into its depths as she considered making the descent. Normally, the silver valkyrie had no qualms with exploring such a location but night was coming soon and the path, if you could call it that, already looked dangerous enough. Add that to the wet-slick surface of the stone and the darkness that was on its way, and Keres wasn't all too sure that it was worth the risk.