Wolf RPG

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AW! Might be slow posting due to school. Sry in advance.

Calcifer was now 3 months old and fully able to speak. He thought it was a rather terrific triumph to overcome learning all the worlds that so many older wolves had mumbled around him when he was younger. The easy words like Sis or Mama came much sooner than the bigger words that detailed parts of the world he had never experienced. He was fluent but there was likely a whole slew of words and things within the world that he didn't know about. 

Recently he was becoming more and more hungry. His body was growing at an immense rate and it was quite taxing. But as he grew he could tell he was becoming much much bigger than his sister. He saw other pups within the pack but knew hardly anything about them including their age. Initially, he saw all of them as older than him, but now as he grew to their heights and surpassed them he wasn't sure anymore.

All he knew was that things were changing and that he still knew so little about the world. He set out that morning to learn new things, meet and get to know other wolves on a deeper level, and come home that evening with a story to tell his mother and sister.
Well it was bitter, but Kirigina liked that. It reminded her of Kamčatka.

Scent carried further with the icy breeze, and she detected something. Someone. The sparse trees hid nothing, the frost showed every paw print. She would not be surprised if the stranger figured out she was there too.

Kirigina slipped. Even her paws and poise, used to her frozen home, slid easily on this peak. She wasn't heading to the top, it was perilous enough down here. That scent niggled at her noise again... Who was it?
Kirigina caught other scents and worried she may be outnumbered, and so she turned around to leave. She liked this peak, but it was not worth risking her life over. Time to move elsewhere