Wolf RPG

Full Version: i thought i saw you at the bus stop, i didn't though
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Maybe @Whitney or @Lunaria?
The search for @Mira had been fruitless so far, but Osiris continued to look. The nature of her disappearance did not sit well with him; it was out of character for her to wander off, and he couldn't help but wonder if there had been some tomfoolery involved with her departure.

It was mid-day, and Osiris continued to comb through the scents at the border. Although the scent-markers were robust, thanks to his packmates' efforts, there was a lack of his sibling's smell. Osiris stilled with a frown, nosing the unkempt lawn as he continued his search.
Lunaria had wandered the Teekons for months, aimlessly searching for that unknown purpose in her life yet to be found. 

She once thought it would be discovered after aiding Macaria in her search for followers, but restless feet and a heart which yearned for something more said otherwise. The night raven often found herself sneaking away to hunt, or even to wander for no reason in particular. Wander, wander, wander -- until she eventually lost track and left her side without a goodbye. Taikon; it had been a while since running into her pale companion and she missed the banter they used to have. Luna worried how he might've been doing -- and most of all -- hoped they'd meet again one day. Wherever he might  be.

The dark fae found herself slinking through a small valley on uncharted territory, ears twitching at the faint sounds of streaming water that lured her closer for a quick drink. Although, movement in the corner of Luna's moonstone eyes made her freeze in place. She rose her cranium to sniff them from a distance; a stranger. Though they seemed too preoccupied searching for something or someone to really see her. "Couldn't help but notice how you seemed just as lost as I am." She remarked, slowly walking towards them and stopping a few feet away to keep distance. A conversation with a stranger to distract her from the internal dialog; cool. No telling if said stranger was too happy to see her as well, but curiosity never dwelled on it. "Well, if not more so. Something troubling you?" 
Osiris lifted his head at the sound of the dark-furred woman's voice. "No," he replied, a few hairs on his neck standing, "Just looking for somebody." She was closer to the borders than he fancied, but she seemed harmless from the impression she had given so far. "My sister, Mira. She's black with yellow eyes—have you seen anybody like her?" he asked. 

"She's fierce," he added, knowing her personality was far more distinct than her appearance.
"Ah...sister?" Lunaria drawled questionablly with furrowed eyes and a tilted head. His description didn't do much justice either -- yellow eyes, fur similar to her own, and...fierce? Was that part added for a reason? Certainly it meant something, right? "Fierce you say, I'm guessing that means I would've been jumped if I did happen to run into her. Though I can't say I got into a fight as of recently." The raven thought out loud with a paw placed on her muzzle, eyes scanning the floor as she did.

So he wasn't lost, just searching for someone -- a family member no less. Maybe he had better luck doing so with a helping hand. Its not like Luna had places to go anyway,  so why not? Slowly, she drew closer before offering: "A search party's not as effective by yourself. If you'll let me, I can help you?"
"Yeah," Osiris replied with a smirk, amused by the image that Lunaria had created in his mind's eye. Mira was still young, and it was hard for him to believe that she could take down a full-grown opponent. "She'd find a way," he mused, allowing the vision to slip away for now. 

His amusement slipped away as the fantasy did, as she drew closer to himself and the boundaries of his family's territory. "You're very kind to offer to do so," he acknowledged, drawing himself to full height. Osiris hadn't been born yesterday—he knew not to trust strangers so easily. "But, I have to wonder—why are you offering to help?" She held no allegiance to the Ostregas or the glen; why would she waste her time and energy helping him, a complete stranger?
The younger male questioned her motivations and rightfully so. He'd be smart enough not to take help from any rando that popped up insisting so. Thankfully for him, Lunaria was genuine in her offer and had no alterior motives in asking. Of course, he was no mind reader, so Luna would just have to convince him. "You say you're sister is missing, why wouldn't I lend a paw? I can't just say 'good luck' and allow you to carry the weight by yourself without helping, can I?" she inquired in response to his own question, placing a paw on her chest before continuing. "If I was in your shoes, and my own kin was missing without a trace, well, I wouldn't know how to compose myself."

Lunaria continued speaking, though this time while slowly pacing back in forth to let the words flow better. "I've been trained to be a huntress since I was young, so I'm fairly good at tracking down wolves and animals. Err, certainly not in a way that means hunting and killing, in this case, of course..." she stopped to reassure with a sheepish grin, akwardly clearing her throat before continuing. "But if I can use any of my previously taught knowledge to aid you, we might stand a chance at finding your sister." With a final step lending in the grass, the little raven turned to Osiris to finally give him the floor. Her offer was his to accept anyway. "That is, if you are able to trust me with such a task?"
"I don't know how I can trust you right now—" Osiris replied eventually, after taking a minute to consider everything Lunaria said. "—Especially since I don't even know your name," he was willing to give her a chance, though, as she seemed persistent in assisting him. 

"I'm Osiris, and you've made it to the borders of my pack, Firefly Glen," he offered, figuring that it was fair for him to introduce himself first.
"Ah, of course! How rude of me." Luna didn't even bother considering the fact that he never heard of her, how else would someone react to a crazy lady popping outta nowhere? "My name's Lunaria, though you can call me Luna for short. Pleased to meet you Osiris." the raven said while offering a smile and bowing her head respectfully.

"Pack...territory?" Wait, when was this glen was claimed? Last time she passed by these areas it was just a free for all; exactly how long had she been away? On top of that, Osiris spoke of it being his pack -- possessive term -- a leader. "Mmm, now that you mention it, I did pick up a collective amount of scents when I got here. Though I just assumed it was drafting down from the mountains...." She said while tipping her nose towards moonspear's peak. Luna would have to be nose blinded not to notice the overwhelming presence of a pack up there.... "You'll have to forgive me. I wasn't aware that I was trespassing..."
"Luna," he repeated thoughtfully, opting to call her by her nickname. "It's nice to meet you as well." 

Upon explanation, she was able to see the error in her approach. It was understandable, given how recently they'd established their claim, and he did not hold it against it; it'd been an easy mistake, and she seemed sorry. "That's alright," he assured her with an easy wave of his tail. "We've only just started settling our claim here."
Sorry for the wait! If you want we can bring this to a conclusion soon?

Luna glanced up as the younger male spoke, and her audits would prick up when he finished. Oh! So a new pack then? The raven didn't have much knowledge on newly forming packs and had been born in an already established one. Still, the idea seemed engrossing enough to pique her interest.

Lunaria hummed in thought for a moment to process the situation; a lost sibling, a newly forming pack -- and 'Picking a struggle' didn't seem like an option for Osiris right now. Whelp, Time for Luna to work her magic and stick her nose into someone else's business again.

"Osiris, my friend, you seem to have a lot of weight on your shoulders. I have no choice but to help you now." The huntress drawled while giving him a playful yet friendly grin. The offer insisted on both finding the male's sister and maybe even assisting with this newly forming pack. Either way, she wanted to help anyway possible.  "Gimmie a scent trail and I'll be on the lookout for you."
We can fade with your post?

Now that they were acquainted, Osiris felt more comfortable accepting Lunaria's help. Two noses were better than one—her efforts would do more good than harm, he reasoned with himself. 

"Thank you," he conceded. His focus shifted towards the floor underfoot, and Osiris lowered his head and sniffed. "Her scent is here—it smells kind of like mine, but it's faded," he explained, motioning towards the scent-spot with his nose.

The raven softly waved her tail in content with his acceptance -- there was a sense of trust initiated between them, which was good start in this acquainteship. A task was given and for the first time in a while, she had something to keep her occupied.

Osiris led the dame towards a scnet trail which she picked up and followed to take in, and would soon begin her search for the missing whelp.