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For @Hydra, and @Lyra idk ur status but feel free to come along
Prretending to be Hydra — and, more to the point, attempting to slim down into a closer facsimile of her — was exhausting, and so Alya was taking a much needed break. Now she was being Lyra, which was easier because they were both a little less... well, a little less something than Hydra. There was a reason, after all, that Hydra had taken the crown.

This consisted of slinking through the higher reaches of Moonspear and casting disapproving looks at anyone who passed by her. This probably confused some of them; Lyra might have been on good terms with any or all of them, but disapproving Lyra was Alya's favorite, and so that was the Lyra she emulated.

Of course, her relative chubbiness left the others with no illusions about who they were facing. So, probably they weren't confused at all. Alya scowling was not a strange occurrence at all.

When she was done passive-aggressively antagonizing her packmates — around the same time she finished ruminating on some rather uncomfortable truths — she turned away from the heights and sought out the Cave of Bones, where she and her sisters had oft held court. She would not call for Hydra, but would wait until her sisters realized where she'd gone. They would know to come.
It did not take very long at all; Hydra's path ever seemed to preternaturally arc toward her sisters trail when they thought of her, or felt in dire need, even without knowing it. It was much the same with them. Since having children especially it had amplified; when exhausted, there would be Alya or Lyra to relieve her without a word of beckoning. Being as close as they were it wasn't beyond the realm of normal to consider that truly, they just knew. And when the children had come, in the early months, it could be difficult distinguish three from one. 

Hydra got the sense that it was more difficult for one than the rest. And she could not let that be; she blamed the tripod for it, and need not admit it for Alya to understand as much. Nikai was as avoidant as she; part of her hoped Alya would bring him to the coast so that he could be swept away to sea and gone from their lives forever. It was no wonder Alya had not produced; Hydra thought Nikai a decent man, but a protector and provider? She was not so sure. But who could ever be worthy of Alya, of Lyra? Hydra knew they likely had their own doubts on Dirge, even after all these years—that was the way of them. 

Approaching their cave of bones and blinking with recognition to where it was she had ended up, her eyes found Alya. Drawing nearer to her and pressing close, Hydra breathed in the scent of her. She knew soon her sister would be going to the coast, and valued every millisecond she could have Alya near to her. Feel her heartbeat and her pulse, and know that no matter how far she went it would ever beat the same.
Alya was observing some of the oldest bones when Hydra arrived, fondly remembering their venerable father, and all the violence he had encouraged in them. He had not been a perfect man — far from it — but Alya loved him all the same. How could she not, when his own imperfections had knit themselves into her bones in the womb?

I think, said Alya, still not turning to face her, and instead leaning her warm body into her sister's firmer musculature, that this will be a long trip. And, with your blessing, I hope to return... not entirely by myself.

There was conflict in her blue eyes when she turned to face Hydra; for she loved Nikai like her own blood — and this, she sometimes thought, was part of the problem. He was a friend to her. Almost like a brother. And he was so kind. So gentle.

I want my children to be strong, she said, her voice small and broken. To make us proud. I know it is not our way — but isn't it? Is it wrong of me to repeat his mistakes?
Lyra felt the same pull just as Hydra did, and found her paws leading her to their lair even before she consciously made the decision to head there. She quickly encountered both of her triplets' own scents along the way, and so quickened her pace, arriving a little after Hydra to find Alya sitting amongst their hoard of bones and trinkets, a thoughtful look upon her face.

Unlike her sister, however, she maintained a distance, watching carefully as Alya leaned into her mirror image and spoke. Not entirely by myself. Her ears perked in interest, thoughts turning to her mate, Nikai. Too weak, too soft. And useless now, with only three legs. She was silently elated by Alya's hopeful confession, and slowly, serpentine, she slunk towards the pair.

"Not at all," she cooed as she drew up to her side, the metaphorical devil on her sister's shoulder. She offered a preening lick to her cheek. "Charon's mistake was coupling with someone so inferior to mother."
This is different, Hydra justified fiercely. I know you love Nikai, but, he is not enough. He may never be enough... she pressed on, sighing, it is not the same. Mother was strong and fierce; there was no reason for... for all of that, still it made no sense to her. As Lyra came and elaborated exactly her thoughts, Hydra looked to her. Nikai... he is strong in different ways. But not the way that you need, she expressed, nosing her sisters cheek. Breathing her in, grounding herself. 

After a beat, she exhaled and said, what if you did not come back alone? What if you came back with the man that you let claim you? She wondered, thoughtful. What if they chased Nikai away while she was gone, if he continued to idle when Alya was not there? They could always send a sacrifice to Ursus, too—test their savagery against a three-legged wolf. They could avenge him, that way. But if Alya did not wish it, it would never be done. 

If they will seek the children later in life, kill whoever it is that truly fathered them—and return home with your season, so that Nikai believes he was the only other party in their conception... if you wish for him to raise them, she hummed. For no other would Hydra ever allow this, but as far as the matriarch was concerned whoever dare suggest her sisters would ever disobey her would never speak another word again.
As much as she loved Nikai, and as much as she treasured his love for her, Alya knew that no one would ever love her as much as Hydra and Lyra. She leaned into them both in turn, and then huffed a contented little sigh when they squished her from both sides, their words a soothing balm on her twisted heart.

Hydra's idea, however, was near untenable. She didn't want to disappoint her queen any more than she already had, but Nikai was hers. He was a mirror who showed her the version of herself she'd always wanted to be.

I need time to decide, she said, but her sisters would like read that first No! in her voice. I will send word. If the word is, All is well, then send Lyra to me, and we will kill the father. And if the word is, I need help, then... I will bring him back with me, and you can make whatever... preparations you see fit.

Could she really do that to him? She wasn't sure. She hoped not.
Nikai...he is strong in different ways. Lyra's preening of her sister's fur paused mid stroke, and she gave a sidelong glance to Hydra. Of course, it was entirely understandable that her sister loved the naive man dearly; who else (besides her own mirror images) had she spent so much time with lately? Her eyes slyly traced the fullness of Alya's waist, the softness in places where her form was once angular and sharp. His ways had rubbed off on her. He had changed her, whether intentional or not.

Yet all was not lost. They would have their vicious, cunning sister back with them still. Lyra listened intently as Hydra explained her plan, her approval silent but clear from the gleam in her eye. She had a point of contention with Nikai possibly raising these future children, but that was an issue to be dealt with when they came to it. For now, Alya's pursuit of happiness, to fulfil whatever desire had sunken its claws into her — that was top priority.

"Of course," Lyra hummed in response to her sister's hesitance. There was a firm disagreement hidden between Alya's words, but the triplet ignored it in favour of spending these last moments with all three together in relative peace. "Whatever you choose, we will be there for you." Even if she had other plans in place for Alya's chosen beloved.
Hydra listened and understood the meaning, and huffed a quiet sigh. And yet she understood; Nikai was a good man, at the heart of him. Pure. Too good, too pure—and there was no wolf too good for her sister, but his sort was not the type she envisioned for Alya. But what Hydra wanted most of all was her happiness; if too good and too pure were what made Alya feel this, then she would not dream of intervening... even if she could sense some quiet discontent. 

But now to hear it, Hydra wondered if Nikai could fulfill Alya in all the ways she required. A complex woman, Hydra felt Nikai could not satisfy each and every one of her desires. He would slow her down on her adventures away from home, and he would hold her back from her true potential by taming her. Hydra saw in her sister the wild still within, and heard it in her voice again. 

Hydra loved all of Alya. Gentle Alya, kind Alya, matronly Alya. Soft, or not, Hydra loved her beyond meaning just as she did Lyra... but that did not mean she did not miss what once was when Nikai had not yet existed to Alya. Hydra had always known of all of her sisters capabilities, but as she leaned against Alya she could not help but think that Nikai had played his part in her sisters life. 

Still. It was Alya's decision to call curtains. 

And so Hydra rumbled to echo Lyra's sentiments, taking to grooming her sister now. She would miss Alya while she was away; her sister always took a piece of her with her, when she left, and Hydra reveled in the moment to still have her here and feel whole. All the same, take all the time that you need, Hydra drawled between combing out any knots that might present themselves. There was not much disorder in her sisters coat, and so most of her grooming was simply a comforting rote.