Wolf RPG

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I liked this part of a post so I’m reusing some of it feel free to RP,

Teekon Weather
humidity: 90%
wind: 3mph
cloud cover: 98%

Light played along the ground and the clouds played hide and seek with the suns rays it was slightly warmer today then it had been the past few days. The sky spit water upon the earth but nothing one could call rain, just mother nature being annoying unable to make up her mind. To rain or not to rain?

A pure black female wolf was carousing around the new territory of the Saint of The Dying light, marking the trees with urine, this land was her land now, she owned it.

Of course the rest of the pack had the right to be upon this land too, and that annoyed her, but she’d not let that show just yet. She had never spent so long in one place before and she was beginning to go stir crazy. She needed something to do or something to kill, For now she busied herself with chores as she  moved along the streams edge urinating a scent marking pee every 50 paces or so. Glancing around every now and then for anything else to do, hopefully she’d find an intruder to maim though that was unlikely.

With a sigh she wandered over to the stream to lap at it’s cool surface, she’d need to refill the ‘tank’ so to speak if she was going to continue on with this much marking.  And she intended to continue because she was going to scout the entire territory from end to end.
oh, it hurt. a lot hurt.
her wounds were healing though. and Sasha hadn't learnt still.
she brushed through the woods like a watercolour brush stroke. looking for someone to play with. someone while Nyra wasn't here to avenge.

Sasha likes the stream that ran so close to their land. it was peaceful. quiet. picturesque when she wasn't being drowned in it.
the shadow ahead seemed to have a similar idea.
Sasha chuffed. she didn't sneak attack or anything. she wanted to talk.

the wolfdog trotted to catch up, a lazy smirk on her face.
Whrist paused in her action and looked up, there was someone approaching, not wanting to be at a disadvantage again as she was in her rocky meeting with Nyra. She stopped drinking and stood up to face the female.

She did not know this wolf but she was… if not anything else., pack, by the scent of her. Actually as she scented the air more thoroughly she found this one smelled of the grandmaster almost as much she herself did. She kept her lips closed though it was hard not to be jealous and bare them instead she pressed her teeth together.

Something seemed off about this female though, she wished she would have had taken the time have a conversation with any of the other pack members, even Nyra just to get to know whom to be wary of, This one was a prime example why talking was probably a good idea, sometimes…

The black female nodded, but did not submit in her body language in the slightest, and she refused to step back, she wasn’t going to give up her space, not to this wolf. She watched the odd eyed wolf carefully but did not offer any words, the other’s intentions were not yet clear and words just were not necessary yet.
well. that was kinda rude.
she only lifted her head with quiet scrutiny in her gaze. yeah, you could hate her but you didn't have to make it obvious.
Sasha thought she was new, but Nyra probably already dug her vicious little claws in.

her tail waved softly in friendly greeting, hanging at a neutral level. she just...wanted someone to talk too. to have on her side.
it was unlikely to happen - at least not for long.
"Hey," she murmured. what lies could she spin for this one?
she looked Whrist up and down, head tilting slightly. then, she popped a surprised look on her face.

"Wow, I'm surprised Nyra hasn't tried to hurt you too." go on. ask. ask why Whrist. Sasha held a soft gaze, no hint of a devilish smirk, no appearance of being deceptive. but the genuine wonder of her being unharmed, unlike Sasha's obvious, healing wounds.
The black pelted femme noticed the other hadn’t offered her name, something she could appreciate, she hated giving up anything of hers to anyone. The that included her name. However the other female spoke of the white brute Nyra.

Whrist couldn’t help but snort derisively, “Yeah Nyra… I put her in her place,” Indeed she had won the spar, but had it had been a real fight she would have died long before getting her cheep spar wining shot. She had been on her back with her throat in Nyra’s mouth for most of the spar. But this female didn’t know that, or shouldn’t know that unless Nyra was a blabbermouth and by the looks of her Nyra had not done much talking.

That White Brute did that to you?” Whrist looked the female up and down inspecting the wounds with disinterest. She did not like the fact this one smelled like the grandmaster, like she spent far to much time with him. Whrist could admit, even if it were just to herself, she wanted the grandmaster for herself. That was a pipe dream she knew, but that didn’t mean she had to like his other bitches. 

To change the subject before her mood soured she quickly asked “How long have you been in the pack?” She had scented this female often as it was her habit as she made her rounds to check out the scent of each pack member. Committing each of the scents to memory, she also could add a face to them later. This ones scent was pretty persistent meaning she must have been with the pack either before or just after the move. This would also let the female know she knew nothing about her or her place in the pack. Maybe without prompting the female might offer a backstory. But she didn’t expect it either.
she put her in place, hm? a suitable guardian to run with. to make that bitch think twice with odds of 2 on 1. though she was reckless...likely to do so anyway.
"i wish i was there to see it."
she smiled softly but mustered a soft pain in her eyes. she was the victim. she'd not done anything wrong.

Sasha nodded. "because i was upholding the Grandmaster's orders..."
in a way, she was. to get Leigh to participate like she was ordered to. to get the innocent bitch to taste the flesh of another. but it didn't happen, and Nyra took it upon herself to defy the orders of the Grandmaster.
"so i have to stay by the Grandmaster, she wants to kill me for that too. she thinks he fucks me," she gave the dark female a sidelong look, "i don't."
only once. she doubted it would happen again, not until she was in heat at least. she dipped her body posture. she was the submissive here. she needed protecting.

"I've been here for...perhaps two or three moons now. i was kept asleep for a while because of my injuries." she wasn't sure. it was the truth. perhaps she could be enlightened.
Whrist knew something was off but she couldn’t quite put a paw on it. She’d have to ignore her instincts yelling at her for the moment. The brutish ghost didn’t seem like the type to attack without something warranting it but then she didn’t know her or this female well enough to judge and it was not her place nor desire to pass judgment.

However this one admitted to spending much time with him, had she herself just been a distraction between baby-sitting jobs, she felt her teeth grind and her gaze hardened suddenly she realized she was staring at the female. The raven black, forcibly stopped herself and forced a neutral expression on her face.

This one was far to submissive it brought up absolutely no protective desire in Whrist. In fact it did the opposite it made her want to grab the female and shake the submission out of her, if only something like that would work. There was no place in this world for weakness. She couldn’t believe that the grandmaster put up with the behaviour constantly, that is if she wasn’t lying and he did indeed keep her by his side more often then not.

Even I have trouble believing that.” She spoke in response to her comment about the Grandmaster. She had not met the medic of the pack and if the medic could force sleep, that one heralded watching. Whrist knew poisons, used them herself in the past, but it left a rotten taste in her maw it had been to bad she had been far to young and small at the the time to have killed them outright, they had deserved to feel her teeth steal there lives not the easy death they had gotten.  “The medic forced you to sleep?” She inquired needing to know for sure. She hated the herb pushing wolves with a passion. Well she hated most wolves, and this one was fast becoming no exception.
she wasn't very receptive.
always speaking with scrutiny clouding her mind. stop being so suspicious, damn it. Nyra was the bad girl!
Nyra had ripped the heart from the girl's chest and Sasha didn't even touch that Leigh.
she let out a long sigh, looking at Whrist properly.
"it's getting real boring being the one who's hated for doing nothing bad."
Sasha spoke with a deadpan look. fuck this shit.
she had done bad, yeah, but surely they'd judge her on how she was now.
maybe she should kill them all herself this time, and keep her Kynareth for herself.

"only so my wounds could heal." at least a little bit. apparently, she kept thrashing around when Dove gave her medication. in retrospect, the feeling was beautiful. addictive.
she craved for more.
"what do you do anyway?"
where can i find you when i need to.
Whrist huffed and looked away from from the female, gazing deeper into  the packlands, “I prefer the night, I like to patrol to boarders making our territory known. This is our territory and those to trespass have no excuse for their death but themselves"

Her black ears flicked toward the female picking up the sigh she she offered her reasoning
 “I’ve met the Grandmaster a Time or two, it’s just hard to think he doesn’t treat all females the same” She felt jealousy boil up, but there she said it aloud. Still she wanted him despite everything.

She refused to look at the female now, suddenly annoyed that this one didn’t see him in that manner, she’d have to ask him about her. Then it struck her to ask Turning her white blue gaze to the mostly white wolf hybrid “Who are you to the Grandmaster? Why has he put so much resources into you

She didn’t have the history, she needed a Chronicler to catch her up and help her feel included in the pack, right now with the little information she had she could be played fed lies as truth and muddle her into a mess. She didn’t like this.
Sorry this took to long
she liked her.
those powerful, excitable words fizzing through her body.
the whisper of death always made her feel...alive.

"he doesn't treat me the same as you." no, Sasha was to be shunned. a thing in his life. Whrist was to be a woman to him. to be something he wanted. Sasha was here because the saying is to keep your enemies closer.
and here, she was the closest he could keep her.

"I'm a pain in his ass that he wants kept alive so he can have the satisfaction of watching me suffer."
it must be true. there was no love. not anymore.
she huffed softly. she never really admitted it until now.
knowing and accepting were different.
Up to you, if Sasha wants to continue to harass Whrist or you can let it end here I’m game either way

Whrist eyed the stained white wolf carefully, picking apart each word each infliction as caught a slight hitch in the femme words which meant she must have realized something and these words if not any of the ones before were true. “Hump” was the only sound that came from the dark female. She had nothing to add though many questions to ask, not that she would get straight answers from this one.

The last word the female spoke snapped a memory to the forefront of Whrist’s mind. The gaze of her sire as he suffered, his whispered begging and finally the slow glossing of his eyes as he had suffered at her paws, was that what Kaynareth wanted? Somehow she doubted that and somehow she didn’t doubt it either…

Her eyes bored into the female while she was lost in thought. Suddenly Whrist came back to herself she snapped her teeth closed and stood, walking away from the female without asking her questions she’s save those for some else.

She deliberately was moving slow enough as to not appear to be running away but to swift to easily be caught up to.
I'll give Whrist a break lol

Whrist seemed disbelieving. or dumbfounded that Sasha would suggest such a thing about the Grandmaster.
she zoned out, eyes unseeing as she was long in the memory.
probably of Ky boning her.

she was about to say something when her teeth clapped shut, startling Sasha a bit, she'd admit. then abruptly stalked off.
Sasha glared after the shadow until she probably stalked from earshot before talking to herself in a snarky tone: "whatever, I'll save myself."
Sasha wandered in her own direction then. tired of this shit.