Wolf RPG

Full Version: And so she was
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Well the air was bitter but fresh in her lungs, her fur trickled with the breeze. She could still smell the salt from here, and it was becoming her favourite scent.

Gailiv tread with her little paws, aware of how small she was in the vast lands she had travelled to get here. It was humbling. Back in Lamenai, her stature helped her get through dense jungle thicket, while here even the sea was open. Everything, wild but open.

And she loved it already.
In Praimfaya's absence, Natshana remained.  She had no intention of abandoning the pack that she had pledged to, especially when her heda would be returning.  For the time being, she had pledged her loyalty to the royal wolves of Yuelong.  So, she was staying.  She had begun to get more acclimated to the coastal climate.  It definitely involved some adjustments; however, the past couple of weeks, she had gotten quite acquainted with her new den.  Today, though, she was out scouring the beach for herbs that could be of use when an unfamiliar wolf caught her eyes.

"Hello," she greeted plainly, nodding her head to the stranger. "Are you a new member, here?"
Gailiv was slightly startled by the voice, and turned to see a beautiful light wolf, as pale as the sands she, walked upon.
"Hello," she hadn't met any of the pack yet other than Hua, and tried to keep her voice even though in truth she was a little nervous. "Yes I am new here, my name is Gailiv," she smiled. A bit of sand blew into her eye and she flinched from it suddenly, and pawed at her face to try get rid of the grain. She failed, but assumed she probably looked a bit mad already so decided to grin and bear it, though it stung like a little minuscule wasp in her sclera.
Meika's slak, Gailiv. It is nice to meet you,” Natshana bobbed her head once more, this time with respect and in greeting. “I am Natshana, an apothecary by trade but also a healer to Yuèlóng, should you ever require it.” Her eyes regarded her newfound packmate, watching as she appeared to struggle with something in her eye. Tilting her head to the side, she remained where she was as she spoke again, “Do not rub it. Blink. Your tears should flush whatever it is, out.” Without freshwater, Natshana couldn’t clean the foreign body out of Gailiv’s eye. Salt water would only burn and irritate it further. “What is your trade?” she wondered, hoping to progress the conversation.