Wolf RPG

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backdated to nov. 25! She's been away from the saints for a very long time now and no longer smells like a pack wolf

Enough detours, it was about time to come and do what she needed so she could hurry up and end this never-ending journey. She had heard from past packs this was one not to mess with, a group even Kynareth said would use her like a chew toy, yet he sent her here merely weeks later. Either some were exaggerating or the Grandmaster cared little if she made it out in one piece. Nevertheless, she was capable and some bitey wolves did not intimidate her.

Surely they wouldn't attack a potential joiner, would they? Maybe if they were well off enough and did not care for an extra set of paws they might, but that wouldn't stop her from trying. Evelynn stood a respectful distance from the borders, they were heavily marked though that was probably due to the single opening into their territory. Tipping her head back, Eve howled for someone who might be able to answer a weary traveler's questions.
a wolf at his door. merrick cocked his wartorn head, gathered himself up from where he had gone to nest in a windfall of leaves. the crushed pieces clung here and there to his coat, and it was a half-wrapped cyclops that peered at the silvergrey as merrick melted from around their standing-rock and stood before her.
a metallic siren with sunlit eyes. the potential of a lurking spirit that called to his own innate bleakness; the bear-witch licked his jaws and strode closer. "to what do i owe this pleasure?"