Wolf RPG

Full Version: Look at it, it's not pink. It's like uh... a lightish red.
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Arbiter had been gone a little while now. A few days? Uhh. Let's be real, not sure about timelines here, even OOC. Should figure that out, but not right now. Either way, Warlock kind of figured that it was him and Jomyo in charge. He hoped not much exciting would go on -- after all, it was kinda gloomtastic out when the snow wasn't coming down like mad. Lovely, huh? It was like all the rain but colder this time.

He'd made sure that his own little storage den wasn't in danger of being buried (today at least) and then went looking for @Royal. He wish he had more information to give her but right now all he could do was just try to fill in as much as he could. Maybe that meant hunting. Or talking about borders or something. But first he had to find her -- sending out a quiet howl for her as he came off one of the mountain faces in case she was farther afield.
Timelines were never the best of things to follow, Royal surely didnt follow them as she moved through the endless world of snow. Oh, she did not like this stuff. Not only did it take over the small den she procured but it made it damn near impossible to find the rabbit she buried near said temporary home. A growl escaped her lips as she dug and dug until she hit, well, solid as hell earth. There goes her thought on a snack, maybe she could command another to share their kill since hers was irretrievable. 

Oh, but her brotherhad another plan. The softerrier boy howled for her and she lifted her lips and gave him an answering call, one filled with frustration. Where was her mother, where was Vex? She wanted to do something, standing around waa not her strong suit and that's all she was doing right now! Ugh! Guess she could meet Warlock in the middle, so that's what she did. Walked towards the direction of his voice, at least it waa something to do
Her howl certainly helped. He might have gone off at a too sharp an angle to find her faster. But hey, he spotted her heading his way soon enough. Warlock just wished he had good news, but it wasn't like things had changed overnight. Same deal as before. And it made him feel bad -- even if there was nothing he could have done to change things.

He wagged his tail, plodding through the snow up to her. He couldn't be super cheery because he probably always kind of afraid of something going wrong. In this case, well, he obviously wasn't their mother or her littermates. He was just some awkward older brother, Hey, what do you want to do today? I'll do a patrol later unless you wanted to come along now or something. Or we could hunt... Or, whatever. It was probably the same as previous days. Just phrased differently. Was he being a good brother? He hoped so. He was trying at least, even if he was pretty clueless. He wished Terance was still around, he felt like his dad would have given him much better guidance about it all.
The more she thought about it, the more she and Warlock had in common. They both had fathers that abandoned them, they shared the same mother, the same pack, they both wanted to be a good sibling and yet they always felt like they fell short. Some of that she did not know herself but her puppet master did, funny how that worked. Now her siblings were out galavanting about and yet she had no idea where they could have gone, her mother was not around it would seem or her older brother might not have called upon her. 

"Mom's out, isn't she?" she replied to his nervous chatter, they had been spending more time with each other due to this. Well, at least that's what she told herself because.. hell, she was not really sure what the older boy's motives were other than to try and keep her entertained. "I would enjoy a border patrol, or a hunt. I want to show mom that I can protect our home but if you'd rather hunt.. I'm game" she replied honestly, bluntly but not in a way that could show disinterest. Believe it or not, she liked spending time with her more reserved sibling.. it was kind of refreshing.[/b]
He nodded, but not happily. Yeah. Hoping your siblings haven't gone too far this time. I dunno what's with them. Which was honest. He did his best to try to keep an eye on them too, but he couldn't be everywhere. And he really didn't understand their desire to leave. This was home -- well, anywhere with his family and friends around was, he supposed -- and didn't really have a desire to be anywhere else.

Okay, we can go patrol. He said, pointing his muzzle towards the nearest patch of it and starting that way, making sure she was coming along. I know mom was supposed to be starting to do like.. serious fighting training with you guys since you're getting big and stuff. It wasn't my favorite thing, but if later on you want someone to practice with I could try. Note he wasn't promising to be the best ever. That wasn't his thing.