Wolf RPG

Full Version: driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air
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His patrol takes him to the western edge of the territory today; the end he favors, in truth, though he has yet to consciously acknowledge it as such. @Phillip's scent is fresh here, and far too enticing to ignore. He can never pass up an opportunity to be near his lover — so as soon as he finishes marking the latest spot he's chosen, he turns to find the dark boy.
In truth, he’d come here to help mark the borders. It’s something he rarely did for reasons unknown. Every time he did do it, he’d be distracted by the littlest things. It’s bird songs most of the time. He’d stop to listen for a moment, and before he knew it hours had past. This time—again for reasons unknown—he was determined not to let that happen. Phillip was doing a slightly better than usual job before his partner appeared.

Hey, Zephyr! He closed the distance between them, and reached out to touch the silver’s cheek with his nose. What are you doing out here?
It doesn't take long to find his lover, thankfully. He smiles in response to the greeting, leaning in with an affectionate nip aimed for just beneath Phillip's jaw. Patrolling, He murmurs. Marking the borders. What are you doing out here? He pulls away slightly, gaze questioning and a touch concerned. Ever since the golden-eyed boy disappeared from Neverwinter Forest, Zephyr can't shake the fear of it happening again. He doesn't know what he'd do if he lost him a second time.
Patrolling he says, doing a better job than Phillip no doubt. He pulled back to gaze at his lover. Me too. He looked to the side, a sheepish smile spreading across his face. Then he added, ’M trying to at least. At least he wasn’t completely distracted yet. Maybe I’ll do better with you around.
His heart skips a little as his lover responds, concern fading, and a fierce surge of warm protective instinct washes over him. You don't have to patrol, he almost tells him, I'll do it, I'll keep us safe — but then he realizes that would be losing an opportunity to spend more time with him. So instead he says, Everything is better when we're together, A slight smile graces his features, and he kisses Phillip's forehead. Then he gestures for him to follow, turning to continue his route.
Phillip’s tail wagged when he spoke, and he let out a small chuckle when he received a kiss. Happily he followed. 

Had he been with anyone else, silence would drag on until the other spoke. It doesn’t last long with Zephyr. There’s so many birds here, he pointed out. Amber eyes glance up towards the trees before his gaze returns to the other man. It’s like they get louder every time I patrol and, well, I can’t help but stop and listen.