Wolf RPG

Full Version: don't let life kick ya 'round
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Leaving the Creek had been difficult. Jökull had formed a sort of attachment to that place along with the characters living there. She missed the mischief-maker Bazi and the capricious Leaf. Missed the smell of riverbed clay and dew soaked leafage whereas the glacier held a more poignant scent. One of crisp air and autumnal zephyrs. Foliage all around was not a fastened smell, but a fleeting one. Strange, bizarre, and all around jarring. This new home of her's would take some getting used to. Firsts things first: acquainting herself with the quaint followers of Duskfire Glacier.

Newcomers have arrived here and there, leaving scent trails of the newly recruited. Enlisting was a ho-hum trickle. Jökull would have it no other way. It would not do to share a home with a bunch of strangers, right? What with how busy her parents are, Jökull figured it would be best to follow in their footsteps. She had no power over these strangers. Being three months old did not afford much in the way of dominance, but at least she could go out and say hello rather being holed up in the den all day.

Which brings us here, in the middle of this thicket. Aureate grasses parted with each step she took, leaving a noticeable path for all to see. The sun glared overhead, blistering in its relentless stare. It was uncharacteristically warm out today yet not hot enough for discomfort. Jökull was visible in the thicket. Her gunmetal gray coat was bright compared to her surroundings. Despite this, she sat on her butt and lifted her front up, using her tail as a balance. A neat trick she practiced (in secret) a few weeks back. Turns out this trick came in handy...
