Wolf RPG

Full Version: And my cuts have healed with time
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Oblivious to how much the question frustrated Fennec, Towhee kept her gaze pinned on her daughter's retreating figure. She paused, then turned her face to allow her mother to read her lips: "Yeah. Okay."

"Okay," Towhee echoed with a small smile. "Go rest." There would be plenty of time to discuss both personal and professional matters later. "Feel better," she added with as much maternal warmth as a toneless wolf could manage, orange eyes soft as they drifted downward a bit.

Fen wasn't showing yet, which meant it was likely early days. Yes, there would be time to adjust to this news and sort out details. In the meantime, Towhee still hugged the whole notion of grandmotherhood close to her bruised heart.
She should have said thank you, maybe celebrated some. Stuck around and let her mom know that it meant a lot that she trusted her with this.

Instead, Fennec turned and left without another word beyond her acceptance. The warmth in her mom's voice didn't go unnoticed, but Fennec suddenly didn't have the energy for any of it. She was tapped. It felt like she'd run miles in that conversation.

At this point, everyone who needed to knew. Fennec would find a place and hole up for a nap, trying to sleep off some of the queasiness that was once again settling within her gut. She could share the news of her promotion later, if Towhee didn't get to it first.
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