Wolf RPG

Full Version: "I burn, I shiver,"
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AW, tracking #9 (target: coyote band, imaq will be detected)

Imaq originally intended to spend what remained of the afternoon in search of a last hunt to make -- whether she succeeded or not -- before returning to the Glacier for the night and curling into her sleeping spot in the Caverns. One benefit to running around, keeping the caches stocked for the coming summer, meant that she was usually too exhausted to dream. 

Instead, the now-familiar aroma of coyotes drew her further away to the northwest -- towards the denning location of the small pack of canids. She didn't have any intentions of chasing away the coyotes since they weren't extremely close to the Glacier, nor did she want to hunt them. 

Imaq instead nestled herself near the lip of the Grotto's edge, by one of the steep staircases carved of stone to watch and wait for any sign of her canine cousins. She was sure she could hold her own if the smaller coyotes attacked, or at least outrun them as she fled. The shaman was just curious, hoping to observe them for a while before returning home.