Wolf RPG

Full Version: xviii. still with feet touching
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AW, botanist #6 (plant identification: burdock vs rhubarb)

Lótë didn't think that the elk herd had gone back to the damaged plains to the west of the Spine since she'd first been tasked with keeping tabs on them, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to check. Even if the herd of red deer that belonged to their village no longer grazed there, out of fear of the crumbled mountain, maybe another had moved in as the land recovered. 

The herdstalker found the plains empty but not deserted; birdsong filled the air and the land was wrought with rich scents and game trails crossing through the area -- even if they searched for lands less scoured by the strange storm. Life was returning slowly and for this, the dove was glad. She hoped it might warm @Kukutux's heart (reference). 

She found a few signs that grazers had crossed through but nothing recent. She might've trekked on in search of the ungulates in question but was distracted by a large and leafy growth of stalks and rumpled leaves -- broad and soft. The artisan trotted closer, extending her nose to sniff at the plant curiously.