Wolf RPG

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I guess mainly @Nyra unless anybody else would watch her for a few moments! Can also just be a read only :0

Lotus was almost ten days old.

Which meant her whole world wasn't very much beyond her mother's side. If she was not devouring her weight (and more) in milk, she was curled up in the plush of her mother sleeping away. Although her world was so limited that everyone was the same to her. Roughly.

She had learned she was capable of a flailing crawl across the den floor. Not very far and most certainly not very fast, but it could be done. And so in one of her waking moments, she had decided to do just that. Awkwardly scooch her pudgy body across the ground along the stomach of...

Nyra rarely if ever, ever left the den now. After she had found Kynareth and Ramesses, she had quickly returned to her daughter and vowed to both her child and herself she would absolutely NEVER leave her precious baby alone again. Not until she was old enough to meet the rest of the pack.

Today, mother and daughter were napping as usual. Then, the Queen felt the absence of Lotus nestled into her fur, and this quickly made the Battle Phoenix wake, immediately searching the den for the little white potato that was her spawn. 

Relief flooded Nyra as she saw Lotus crawling awkwardly around, which earned an affectionate chuckle as the Queen kept herself close, inching along with Lotus. It was important the pup got exercise, but after a few minutes, Nyra would plan to pull her child back to her belly.
Lotus, young and pudgy as she was, did not find this crawling satisfying for very long. It exhausted her greatly. Which also just made her hungry. So.

Awkwardly she rolled. Whether by choice or just the gravity of the gentle slope of the den wasn't entirely clear. Either way she found herself in her favorite spot again. The spot where all of her whole life had been spent so far.

Maybe it was excitement, maybe it was discomfort from all of the movement she did by herself, but either way she cried. Not loud or scream-y as she had been at birth. This was more a series of whines and mewls.
Nyra continued to smile upon Lotus as the pup eventually ended up rolling back into the Queen's belly.

At her child's whines, Nyra licked over Lotus' face and back affectionately, nosing the youth softly with love before she spoke feather-soft "Not yet. Soon, but not yet." 

By this she meant leaving the den, getting to see the rest of the pack and the other youth already running around.
Figure we can wrap this up and get something new now that she's a bit older. :3c

The words meant little to her, only that her mother was soothing her. It was nice. It was familiar.

She was exhausted by all of this sudden excitement. Which meant it was time to settle in for a nap. Where she imagined she would eat her weight in milk when she awoke.