Wolf RPG

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Set during early nightfall, 8/12/2021, after this thread @Kynareth Deagon

The two had left Bearclaw Valley empty handed, going around the impassable mountains to the lands once claimed by Easthollow. 

Stone Circle.

Upon arrival, it was immediately apparent no pack claimed this place now. Easthollow was gone. Scents erased, especially that of Greyback and Valette...
"Damn it!" Nyra spat with a low hiss. 
There were so little traces to follow...there were no obvious leads anywhere. 
Irritated, the Empress stalked the stones, noticing a little too late that one of them had fallen over, laying now sideways in the grasses. 

It didn't cross her mind that Valette's rotting and crushed body lay under the rock.

Turning to Kynareth now, she sighed, forcing her fur to flatten "What now? What are our advantages here?" 

Perhaps talking of tactics would help distract her, if briefly.
They shift their eyes and bodies to Easthollow. No one is there and he feels almost uneasy. There’s been death here. But out of everything, he feels disappointed. Perhaps when he’d last battled alongside Ursus they had destroyed the other pack. Congratulations to them. He can’t help but thinking for a moment even though he truly didn’t have anything against Easthollow, he commends Ursus’ strength. 

Damn it. He hears Nyra spit and he lazily shifts his head in her direction. “Yep. Nothing.” He mumbles out as he takes a slow circle around the ancient stones. 

Then she changes her tactic, asking him what route they should take now. He hums in contemplation. “We’ll go to the bypass north of here. Perhaps there’s still a pack there that may be able to give us information.” 
The Bypass. 
She nodded once in silent agreement, pulling her giant frame to start that direction with irritated yet authoritative purpose. 
Still, her gaze moved to Kynareth as she walked. "What's our strategy now? Aside from finding Ursus and gaining intel. Perhaps talking of tactics will help me calm down and re-focus." She asked, waving her tail softly. 

She was also "subtly" trying to get some strategic training out of this, cuz reasons.
He sees her begin moving so he follows dutifully behind. Walking beside her, she asks him of strategies and such, which makes him hum in contemplation. 

“We’ll go to the bypass. Depending on what they give us there we may, or may not have an idea where to start searching.” He pauses, looking ahead of them as they walk. “If they have no idea, then we’ll try and look for other packs to the west of the Sunspire. Maybe we could visit Teya and see if she knows the locations of any other packs.” 
Nyra listens intently, nodding to his words.
Once he's finished she offers her own.

"Assuming we turn up with something, I think it'd be suitable to scout out their new location. If not, then yes, I wholeheartedly agree asking other packs will be out best bet." 
Making another thread set after this one! I’ll tag ya!

He nods back as well, silently agreeing.
“Good. Then if we catch any word of said location, we’ll scout before we put it into action.” He continues moving. “With that, let’s go check out this next pack.” He ends with determination. 

He won’t stop until he finds them and that’s a fact.