Wolf RPG

Full Version: and it’s sad to know there’s no honest way out
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This place suuuuucks. They sang. They’ve been trying to come up with a song to sing while they were stuck here. Nothing creative came to mind yet. Just shit along the lines of ‘this sucks’ and ‘I hate it here’. 

They’ve been belting out the tunes since midnight. Wasn’t the most pleasant sound to deal with when you’re trying to sleep. Oh well. Buzzard had to get at these freaks somehow right?

They groaned as the sun peaked over the horizon and straight into their eyes. Another day in crazytown. They rolled from their back to their side and marked another tally (amongst many others that have since been covered) in the dirt with a claw.
singing. the unpleasant sort, not the ghostly whispered tunes asperas had become accustomed to; no, this was tangible, real in a way the bear god could never be. real in a way the unchild could never be, and at that realization, a strange sort of ache took root in her chest. discomfort unlike any ever felt before.
unwilling to remain passive in her suffering, the voidsent sought the source of the irksome sound, and on arrival she recognized it as her father's captive. the ragged brown thing was lounging, casual in their clamorous insolence. asperas swept toward the creature on stiff legs, hackles spiked, lips peeled away to expose needling fangs. for all the spiderling's ire, only prickling silence followed as her close companion... for now.
Looks like they’ve attracted a crowd of one, and a tough one. The little squirt looked kinda ridiculous (anybody angry wolf around Buzzard’s size did) but they didn’t say anything about it. Best not to piss off the weirdo kids, cause they didn’t wanna deal with their weirdo parents.

I’m so tired of being the baby sitter, they huffed under their breath. Buzzard lifted their head. You come to kick me around too?
the threadbare creature spoke, and at once asperas's anger was swept away as if carried on a breeze. intrigue rushed into the empty space like water filling holes in the sand. hackles settled, expression falling into neutrality. no, the voidsent returned evenly, and drew closer, into the prisoner's personal space — not without regard to the offense this might cause, but instead in pointed, malicious observation of it. the ugly little thing was in no position to deny asperas, after all, and she wanted that to be unquestionably clear.
Oh. Well that’s good. But yknow what? Having someone up in their bubble wasn’t any better. They scrunched their nose and pulled their face away from the oncoming pup. 

Buzzard would’ve snapped at them had the preacher’s stench not been plastered on them. Your breath stinks. Insults were the best thing they could do.
asperas's proximity seemed to unsettle the captive, even provoke them. delighted to see the thorough efficacy of her methods, the unchild drew her posture up further and pressed her face closer, leering with a strange expression lingering somewhere between a smirk and a snarl. the effect was undoubtedly creepy, though the cultspawn was yet too young to make it quite as terrifying as it would one day become.
Ew. This is the ugliest little kid they had ever seen. And the weirdest. And the most annoying.

You know I’m a coyote right? They moved back a little further. Your mom ever tell you about those? They got a real nasty bite that can give you diseases and kill you. So don’t make me bite you, ‘kay? Cause simply telling the kid to back off probably wouldn’t do anything.