Wolf RPG

Full Version: things i once enjoyed just keep me employed now
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Perhaps, if someone sat Blueberry down and explained the significance of this place regarding her heritage, she might have warmed up to the caldera. She might have cared a little more about its flora, fauna and denizens.

But there was no one to regale her with tales of her paternal grandparents who'd made this place so great, of the numerous aunts and uncles and cousins that had secured its legacy. Mou would know, but he wasn't talking; Maegi would, too, and she wouldn't dare open her mouth to speak kindly of any of the Redhawks (not that Blueberry knew that).

No one spoke. No one explained. And so, without the background, she was miserable, and this mountain was just a big stupid rock with a hole in it.

She trudged along said hole, now, paws barely skimming the edge of the lake. The weather was growing cooler, and she noticed large flocks of birds heading south. Mom had explained that it was warmer there, that the birds didn't like the cold that was coming.

She watched them, face stricken. She wanted to go with.

A splash surprised her from her thoughts, and her eyes darted just in time to spy a falcon, swooping down to grab a fish between its talons and carry it off to some far-off aerie.

Blueberry could empathize with the fish.
Oddly enough, it was taking a fair amount of time for Bronco to settle in and feel though he was at home again on the Caldera. Perhaps there was still a hint of the nagging fear that begged for him to run and keep running that made his soul restless, but he thought that it had more to do with his lack of connections within the pack.

He was still recovering and was keeping his head low, for his own reasons of course, but with Towhee gone, his mother dead, and those he once he knew off in Brechelient, he spent the majority of his time just with Fennec and Killdeer. Having grown up with a set of parents and several others as co-parents, he realized that things were different here. He snuffled along, hoping to find the trail of something to eat and tried to consider tracking down another packmate- one of the many strangers who also lived here- so that Killdeer could grow up with a big family, with lots of friends, the way he had.

Naturally, he found himself drawn down toward the lake's shore, and saw a falcon winging overhead in the same direction. Just as he broke past the treeline he saw it dive, and his gaze fell upon the young, pale wolf who had also looked up to watch the bird crash against the surface of the lake, only to fight its way back into the air with a fish in its talons.

He expected more of a reaction from the kid, who didn't look as impressed as he might've expected. Maybe she'd seen this happen before. She seemed more interested in watching it fly off, so he sidled a bit closer demurely. "It'd be pretty cool to be able to fly, eh?"
At the sound, she rolled her gaze over—and was transfixed. Everything fell away. All she saw was him. She drank in his golden-brown appearance, his scarred visage—it reminded her of Mama, had they endured similar—she must ask—

But broad, and bold, and handsome. Blueberry had forgotten the hawk and its prey, had forgotten her troubles, had forgotten everything but him.

Her breath came short. Yeah, she managed, barely a whisper from her lips. She met his dark golden gaze—was anything more beautiful? She drew two more deep inhales, trying to steady herself. I wish I could. . .go'ta'tha island.

Oh, God. She was rambling. If Blueberry were human, she'd blush. Instead, she ducked her head, looking demure. Sorry, she whispered, mouth moving in indecision.
She had a pretty intense gaze, for a kid. It didn't make him uncomfortable, simply because he could pass it off as childhood curiosity, and he assumed perhaps she'd never seen someone as scarred as him. At least she didn't look frightened. 

He had no idea why she suddenly became so bashful and apologized- perhaps she realized she'd been staring, and remembered being told not to do that by a parent. She'd mentioned an island, though, and that made his ears perk. 

"The island? You mean-" From what he'd understood, Niamh's final litter of kids had been found there. He should've figured, as soon as he saw her, that she'd be one of the kids. She wasn't one of Towhee's, but she was definitely from this year. "Huh. You're from the island then, eh? Y'know what that means?" He asked. 

He searched her for markers that might lend her some resemblance to their heritage, but found himself drawing blanks. She wasn't tall, or blonde, nor was the alabaster of her pelt one that came from his side of the family...He wasn't sure he saw much of Phox in her, either. But he grinned regardless, as he gazed with a bittersweet fondness at the girl he assumed was one of his newest siblings.
The island. He indulged her. Yeah! she exclaimed, becoming a little fervent. Water around, all over. . .there's nothing like it. Not even like this, she added, nodding toward the lake. It's. . .perfect.

Blueberry sighed, sinking down, shaking her head. I miss it. Then her gaze rolled toward him, questioning. You're one of them? The Redhawks?

Of course, she didn't see herself as a "Redhawk." Mama had never had good things to say about that lot. But they were here, and now she wasn't sure. She was all mixed up. Her eyes scanned the horizon, looking for the hawk. Where had it gone?
Perhaps she'd misinterpreted his question, and where he'd intended to lead with it- but she was young, and he would endulge her. "I've been there before, last year I think. It's beautiful- I loved getting to see all the things that the sea washed ashore." He said. There had been so many new smells everywhere, it'd practically been intoxicating. 

"I am a Redhawk," he said, and though he wouldn't admit it, he felt like a bit of a fake claiming such a thing. "I mean, I'm in the pack. But my name's Bronco Blackthorn," He supplied. It felt a bit more comfortable, given the fact it was his real name. "But if you came from the island, then...I think? You might be one of my little sisters." He said. Had the kids even been told that they had older siblings yet?
His idyllic stature in her mind shattered abruptly with his musing of family, and she shook her head, brows knitting together. You're not, she said, though her tone was dubious. Unless. . .Maegi's your mom? She's my mom.

And mom, mom. She knew about the others—it was complicated. But it wasn't for her.

It's weird, Blueberry went on, and shrugged. She sucked in a breath, trying to summon the island back again. I miss the sea so much. There was never any shortage of things to see, both in the water and out of it. 

It was true here, too—the falcon had proved as much. But nothing grabbed her like the island.
Maegi. Well, that wasn't Niamh. It was only a vaguely familiar name, vague in the sense that perhaps it had been mentioned that Maegi had escorted Phox and the kids home when they'd come. He hadn't realized, though, that the wolves Niamh had sought to harbour with had had children of their own. It made sense, though- for the kids to have survived, they would have needed a nursing mother. 

"Oh, I, uh, guess you're probably right then," He said. "I haven't had the chance to meet them yet buh, uhm...I'm glad your folks were there to take care of them," He said. After all, if they hadn't, then his newest batch of half-siblings likely would have perished. 

It seemed she pined for her birthplace though, and he couldn't really blame her. It was a bit of a shame that the whole family had been uprooted simply because of his mother's foolish decision. Phox wanted to bring the kids home, but the kids had been raised by another family...Nothing was ever really fair, to anyone. And he wondered if perhaps this kid had any resentment toward those who had disrupted her life on the island that she loved. 

"I'm sure you do. It's really beautiful out near the sea," He said. He too pined for it, as one might fantastize about a favourite holiday trip after coming home to an ordinary life. "I could-" What, leave the safety of the pack's borders and risk the hunters finding him again for the sake of taking a kid on a trip back to see her old home? He cut himself off. That wasn't an option right now, though his instinct begged him to help the girl out and offer himself as an escort should she want to go visit. It was what he would have done, normally, but...That was before. 

"I'm sure you'll be able to visit again soon. Probably even before the snow comes," He tried to sound optimistic, but his tone might've fallen a bit. It was disappointing to life a life sheltered by fear.
She might be young, but she wasn't stupid. She had caught that "I could" and clung to it, even as he went on and said other things. Soon wasn't soon enough. It was just another empty promise, like the ones made to her throughout her short life.

You could what? Blueberry prompted, even though the word snow hung idly around in her brain. Time enough to ask him what the heck that was.

Take me home, she thought fervently, and perhaps she'd never wanted something more in her life.
Yeah. Her gaze sharpened when she caught what would have been an offer, before he deftly attempted to sweep the idea off the table. Youngsters noticed everything- and like any child, even a half-mention of an idea sparked eagerness and hope. He knew exactly what she wanted; now, to let her down gently. 

"I can't really...Travel, right now. And it's gonna take me a long time before I do again. But I bet I know someone who could probably take you there, on a trip." He said. Depending on availability, of course. And he didn't want to volunteer someone- but he was sure that there must be at least one packmate who could take her out to the coast and back before the snow fell, right?