Wolf RPG

Full Version: I don't wanna talk, no more living in the past, baby
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There was a fire here once, manman had told him. Fire razed the land and killed the great trees, but also cracked the seeds of some trees and granted them a second life when the fire burned away. Fire was a life taker, but also a life giver, it seemed. None of that was why Sobo came wandering out to the plains, though.

For the creation of a charm, he required charcoal, and he knew from Erzulie's teaching that charcoal could be found where once was fire. He waited until after breakfast, then set out from Sapphique on cautious paws. This was as far as he had ever gone on his own. It would not do for an accident to find him out here.

Skirting the marsh, Sobo arrived in the plains in the afternoon and promptly began to search for places where trees once grew, where he might find charcoal buried in the tall grasses.