Wolf RPG

Full Version: [Mudwallow Lowlands] Tresspasser
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The thickset of The Tangle were thinning with every step of a marred paw forward. Rays shifted from slipping in through arching spears and into swathes of warmth that guided the tired wolf from the rocks and drops of the forest into a soft earthed clearing. The day was the warmest it had been in awhile, it comforted Angler, and his pricks and cuts appreciated it too. The cuts on his paw pads were aggravated by the mud under the grass, clogging up his flesh with thick mud.

He soon progressed far enough that the shade of The Tangle left him in the cloud filtered sun. His walk continued, a slight move towards the east, still heading to the coast, but trying to avoid the pack Njord had informed him on.

Soon he came across a puddle of dark water hidden in a depression of the grass. He took the opportunity to pause and clean his feet. He crouched down behind the taller grass that wrapped around the puddle, ears alert for any feet that would walk by.
They were not deep in the territory, but they lingered within. Rosalyn had searched since catching the trail and it did not take long to get a glimpse of their form within the muddy shoals south of their territory. Not slinking through, but simply standing.

Her lip curled. Was this an insult? A challenge? Whatever it was, she would happily teach them the wrong of it.

Rosalyn did not outright attack, but her eye was sharp as she approached, and lifting her head she loosed a rumbling growl. You are either lost or foolish. They would not have long to explain.
A noise snapped Angler from his cleaning, and following behind from where he had come, there was a wolf, approaching from behind with a sneer. Angler knew within seeing her that he had wandered off into Njord's pack, and he feared this wolf would not be as friendly as Njord had been to find him out of the territory. In a sign of peace to the pack wolf, he bowed his head low, yet kept his snout pointed at her to let his voice travel.

"Forgive me, I'm trying to avoid the pack that lives near by, I'm just passing through to get to the beach." His voice quivered as he spoke, his body infrequently shook with nerves, and his tail hugged his belly. "I will move off your land as quickly as possible, I will take nothing."

Mentally, Angler scolded himself for the lie. As usual for himself, he would take some fish, something that fit in his mouth that he could carry off, if the wolf didn't follow him. There had been no food in the Tangle, the last time he ate was when he hunted that deer. Perhaps he would back track south east down their river, if this wolf left him able to walk.
You're doing a shit job of it. Does your nose not work? She didn't relax entirely, but she did lift her head and sheath her fangs. He was clearly not a threat, but she didn't have the patience for his perceived stupidity either.

Luckily they weren't deep in the territory, and if he rounded the southern border he'd find the beach easily. She could hardly leave him to it, so she gave him one last look over. He was young - perhaps his parents are idiots too.

I'll show you out. She added, with a tone that warned against arguing. Then she waited, clearly intending to remain until he began to follow.
Did his nose not work? Well, he almost supposed it didn't, but he had smelt the packs scent, though he mistook it for a border he hadn't cross, which now he knew he had. He glanced down, tail curling into his belly as he awaited the wolf's next words.

She spoke again, this time she had less of a bite to her words, yet she spoke with command. He heard her stop, and so he came forward slowly. He felt his paws dirty up again, causing him to flinch with each step.

"Yes ma'am" He complied, voice soft with uncertainty and fear. Angler was hopeful this would go well, but he felt like he'd leave with a nicked ear.
I love himmmmm <3 sorry Roz is such a butt

This wolf was lucky that she had no patience for an altercation today, Rosalyn thought. She'd never had much of a taste for a (fair) fight, not when it wasn't necessary, and he seemed too apologetic to even merit the attempt. If she asked, she wondered if he might just punish himself.

Her lip was wrinkled with contempt by the time they got near the border, and as they approached it she wheeled to face him. She showed her teeth, hackles rising once more. Don't think that next time this will go the same way. Get out and don't come back. She took a stiff, threatening step forward. If he wasn't quick he might earn himself a snap, but she was willing to forget him entirely so long as he made himself scarce.
S'all good, I love to see a more aggressive character anyways :3

Angler trailed the pack wolf's paw prints, eyes set on her tracks in the mud, and ears set to her herself, listening for any change in temperament. He did not dare look at her too long, excessive staring often set off wolves, for the gaze could be an unspoken challenge or foolish and unearned comfort. He did occasionally glance up to see her hackles almost seemed to never fully settle, and her step was not a patient one, so he followed not too close behind.

The terrain kept it's signature damp earth, yet the grass faded away and the water logged mud grew even wetter. Within some time the guiding wolf than came to a stop, and Angler stopped as well. he looked up to see her bared teeth. She snapped a command and warning, he was to get out and not return less he face harsher consequences. In response, Angler nodded and began to move out.

As he drew closer to the pack wolfs side, he could not help but look up to see her face, in the back of his mind he regretted it nearly instantly, but the tilt of his head was already in motion. perhaps she would take it with a shrug and scoff, but he would take no chances.Angler ran forward, his paws cried out against him, but he went on.

Not for long though, as he soon tumbled over, an embarrassingly short distance between him and the border.
Despite her humor, Rosalyn's patience was easily frayed these days. He lingered a fraction too long, turning to look, and suddenly her composure snapped. Aggressively, and without much cause, Rosalyn surged forward with a snap that was aimed for his hip. By the time she'd made the attack he was already running, but that did not stop her attempt. Nor would she feel remorse after he had disappeared.

Whether or not she connected, she would remain at the borders a while after he had disappeared, ensuring that no one returned to try their luck once more.

I'll let you decide if she connects! Since I know you likely have threads after <3 it's def feasible she'd miss since he was p quick to run. Thanks for the fun thread!! This can be last for me unless he decides to continue things