Wolf RPG

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Once again preemptively marking this for sexy times <3. Gonna do this one more time after this one for three separate sires

The fire was not gone. Sabah was getting further from Akashingo with every step she was taking, but the itch to return hadn’t come yet. She began to wonder if it would, sending her back to the pool of oil just waiting for a match.

But that was not here.

Here, she played in the snow, a dark shadow bounding between the flurries, spinning powder between her bouncing leaps. She just wanted to have fun today, both kinds.

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He had finished with the unnamed woman traveling with Avery, but Vorilye's lust remained. He came upon another woman, and her scent filled his nostrils, causing him to inhale deeply. He watched her play in the snow, his head tilted to one side. He made a soft woofing sound, tail arching over his back. "Permission to join in the fun?" Vorilye purred, his tail slowly wagging. He'd done his duty to Vex - this was for him, now.
Sabah grinned at the sight of another, flying into another leap. She landed, bounding up with another laugh.

No permission needed, join in! She crowed, tail whipping over her haunches as she gave a quick play bow, before she was scampering off again.
Vorilye bounded after her, scattering snow as he went. He caught up, and the first thing he noticed was the sheer difference in sizes; he loomed over her, a true beast, but he would nip at her shoulder in play, should she let him closer. "A pretty thing like you must have a name," he crooned, smirking softly. He gave her a play bow, then offered, "I'm Vorilye Cruor - you could say I was, ah... visiting family."
Sabah gave a girlish giggle, bouncing up and down like a pogo stick.

’m Iris! Was it sacrilege to name yourself after a goddess to get some? Maybe to the god fearing kind. But Sabah wasn’t that kind of person, never had been really. She was just here for some fuckin fun. It had been a long time since she’d played like this.
"Mmm... Iris." He tested her name on his lips, and he smiled. He rolled over in the snow, showing her his belly; he could be good tonight. He could... play nice. His tongue lolled from his mouth, then he got back up, shaking snow from his thick pelt.

He moved towards her, teeth flashing in a grin; this was one of his favorite things. The suspense, the wait... and then, knowing he'd likely never see the girl again... Vex would never have to know. "Allow me to... entertain you for the night, Iris." Vorilye smirked softly, his eyes alight.
She was not the giggly girl she was pretending to be, Sabah told herself, ruthlessly shoving aside the veneer of Iris in her own mind.

Sure! She piped, tail doing quick flips and spins at her back. This was just a dalliance. She would come out of this with nothing to remind her, go back to Akashingo, and continue planning.
is a fade to black okay? i can edit if not! also wanted to ask if vorilye can tear a piece off sabah's right upper ear? it's a common practice for Cruor male's to "tag" their breeding partners, but we totally understand if you'd not like that to happen lol

Vorilye moved closer, drinking in her scent. The thrill sent a shiver down his spine that he barely managed to quell; if Vex ever found out about this, she would likely mar the other side of his face, too. How it enthralled him, this dangerous dance... "Tonight, I serve you, Iris," he would croon into her ear; he debated marking her ear as he had marked Lorelai's.
We can fade it here! I’d prefer no marking as my personal preference, Sabah already has a tear in one of her ears from her bird and I don’t want to tear off more of that area<3

Tonight he served her indeed.

A glimmer of intelligence in her eyes was the only glimpse that Iris was more than just a ditzy girl. Sabah hid herself well, she thought, allowing the man to get closer, and for her to get lost in sensation again.

Just a bit more of this. Then she could go back to her position and use her time to think.
no problem! <3

Vorilye moved away when he was done, and he flashed her a small smirk. "Is there anything else I can do for you before my departure?" he inquired quietly; he intended to slip into the shadows as soon as possible, but he wanted to appear as if he cared.
Sabah was a little winded (maybe more that she was allowing herself to think about), but she simply shook her head, giggling.

No, no, I think I’m good. She smiled, catching her tongue between her teeth.

Thank you!
"Until we next meet, darling," the hulking Cruor male said, giving the female one last bow. "Let the child know who their father is - they will have family nearby... I am sure my sister Violante would love to meet them." he would then turn and leave, knowing now was his time to return to Vex - she would be waiting.