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For @Foxfur and consistency purposes. Set immediately after this thread

The Pharaoh had left them to speak in Crowfeather’s new quarters. He waited quietly for the nursemaid who would bring the visitor. Each time he heard a noise from outside, it drew his gaze swiftly until the dark figure of Tavina appeared and brought with her a man that the dark yearling never believed would leave the grounds of their homeland.

F- Foxfur?

The dark figure found himself worried. Why had Foxfur been sent to him? What had happened in the Starsea that they would grant leave to their most valued warrior? Many questions burned inside of him, though Crowfeather could not think to ask them.
Hello, Crowfeather.

The warrior did not look approvingly at the dark young figure. He could already see the damage that had been done to the prince’s leg, to his lean frame. There was a hardness to the seer that had never been there before. Foxfur did not like it, but he had no place to say why. The wilds had shaped the missing boy into something harder, perhaps even more desperate.

I have come to return you home. Your father is quite worried for your safety, for the clan. The Starsea is without its seer, after all.

As he spoke, the warrior realized that he no longer cared about the message that he had formulated in his mind. Things had changed for both men. Foxfur thought of Moonglow and then drew his snout upward to stare pointedly at Crowfeather’s healing wounds.

Was it worth it?
The shadow gaped at the man, unable to comprehend what he was hearing.

Whitestar had sent Foxfur to collect him?

It did not make sense that the fate of a clan’s seer would warrant lending out their prized warrior. Crowfeather wondered if his father had thought his plan through. Just looking at Foxfur, the shadow could see that he was worn to the bone. The hardness of his stare had broken. The light of his eyes had shifted to something cooler, something distant with apathy.

I will not return home, Foxfur. I- I left for a reason. I can’t do the job of a seer.

Crowfeather looked to his paws and sighed.

I’m sorry you wasted your time.

The shadow thought of Germanicus, feeling his heart ache. He wondered what the stalwart man was doing. He hoped that he was safe. He missed him with every inch of his body, but that thought was enough to chase the image of the silver eagle from his mind.

I will travel east when I have gotten my strength back. What happened… is something I don’t remember. I do not know if it was worth it. I- I don’t even know what happened. All he knew was that he had been left behind because of his own mistakes. Crowfeather feared he might never catch up to Germanicus again.
It seemed that the prince of the Starsea was every bit as fearful as he had been when he lived among his clan. The warrior heaved a sigh, shoulders sagging, and lifted his eyes to the room where they had left Crowfeather to heal.

There was plenty of space there, furs, a window into the sky. Foxfur frowned slightly when the seer had finished speaking. He was under the impression that he would never return to his clan. The warrior could not help but to snort with his frustration. He was tired of the games, and he wished to leave the unfamiliarity of the Pharaoh’s claim.

Why must you travel east? Are you aiming to prove yourself as a warrior? Running away is not the way to do that, Crowfeather. Your role is not that of a clan’s defender.

They’d had enough chat about wants and desires. Foxfur wished for a bed and a warm meal.

I cannot return without you. Whitestar will be most displeased. I will not be eligible for the deputy position without finding you and bringing you home. A small nod, as if to say that their talk had been concluded and there would be no further discussion of the matter.
The warrior seemed to demand to know why Crowfeather was intent on going eastward. The shadow turned his eyes away from the man, heat flaring in his cheeks. He shook his head repeatedly at the man’s questions.

Foxfur moved on without needing an answer. He stated that he could not return to their homeland without bringing Crowfeather with him. He stated that his role within the clan would be at risk. The shadow wanted to laugh, but he could only feel the lump in his throat climbing higher. Was this truly all about rank?

I will not go back because I have found someone-

That hadn’t been the word he’s hoped to use.

Something. I have found something better.

Where was Germanicus?

Foxfur was surprised at this. He had picked up on the urgency in the boy’s voice. The warrior could not help but to think that there had been a springing of love within the Starsea’s seer. Perhaps young Crowfeather had found another soul who fit his own. Such things were difficult to believe for Foxfur. He did not understand how that might happen when the cultures of their people were so different.

You would leave your people in the darkness, for this someone?

The warrior’s words were softer, warmer. He did not understand, but he could not help but to feel that his job had become more complicated. Foxfur thought of Moonglow and wondered if Kukutux would have wise words to help him.

She was far away, though, and Foxfur knew that her kindness could not reach him in Akashingo.
Crowfeather burned at the warrior’s question.

Had he not abandoned his people for much less?

The dark yearling thought of Germanicus. He thought of their journey through the wilderness, their hunts, their fishing in the remnants of summer light. The glimmering yellow of the older man’s gaze lived in his mind, always warm, full of sunlit hope. By the stars, Crowfeather would have done many things for Germanicus.

I would do anything for him.

Crowfeather’s honey gaze drifted to the furs beneath him.
Anything, for him.

Foxfur drew his head back in surprise, but he nodded his head after a few moments. The warrior had not anticipated that the darkling would speak of another man that way. In truth, it was a foreign concept to the ways of the Starsea residents. Most of them made families with the intent to create future warriors, or medicine wolves, or leaders.

Foxfur did not know where he would go, from that point.

Very well, he decided suddenly. I will grant you some time to get your affairs in order. You may speak to this man and tell him that you will return home. I suppose he may go with, if he is inclined. You still have healing to do. I will return to these lands when summer has come to us. Until then, I will reside at the Moonglow clan.

The warrior looked at the yearling closely, wondering if the boy would push back against this.
Foxfur did not comment on Crowfeather’s words for a few moments. When he did speak again, it was to say that he would offer the boy a chance to get his affairs in order. The warrior said that Crowfeather could explain to Germanicus, could even offer him a place in the Starsea, and that he would give the shadow a few months to make that happen.

Crowfeather gaped at him, still.

If he could heal enough by that time, perhaps he could flee. It had taken the warrior this long to find him – next time, he would not be so foolish. Next time, he would disappear.

I will see what he has to say… the boy lied.
Crowfeather did not argue, and so Foxfur believed that his decision had been best.

The warrior nodded his head softly, shifting upon his paws. He would not remain in the mesa for another night. He knew that the journey back to Moonglow would take him several days, and he would be weary and worn by the time he reached their borders. Still, his mind shifted to Kukutux and her kin… it would be good to be with them, again.

I am sorry that you cannot stay here, Crowfeather. For a flash of a moment, he wondered if the Pharaoh was the man who had bewitched the dark yearling. If your someone is meant for you, perhaps he will follow. I will ask the stars to watch over your healing and recovery.

As the warrior turned to leave the boy’s quarters, he turned his snout back over his shoulder and stared at the dark figure.

Until summer, he said quietly. Then, Foxfur slipped from the sleeping quarters and away from the smells of the mesa.
All the apologies in the world would not solve the mess that Crowfeather had found himself in. Still, he nodded his head softly toward the warrior.

Foxfur did not seem to want to remain there for long. The man was already turning to depart. Words of his return had been left in the open air. Crowfeather had until summer to sort his orders out, then the warrior would return to collect him. The dark figure already knew that Germanicus would not wish to see the Starsea. He knew that he did not have a choice but to continue fleeing.

Besides, it had been a long while since the silver eagle had visited. The shadow could not help but to wonder if he had forgotten, if their shared moments had not been so special, and if Germanicus had only been kind when they had been faced with their last discussion.