Wolf RPG

Full Version: I love my Mom.
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backdated to just before they relocated

One last visit.

She sat beside her mother's grave, beside Wraen's grave, looking solemnly down upon the raised patch of ground that held their bodies. Their souls had long gone, though, and it felt strange to talk to the earth when they were. . .elsewhere.

Or were they?

Many different wolves had different schools of thought. For her part, Lilitu chose to honor them here, while recognizing that the ones she loved may be far away by now.

Wraen, she whispered, pressing her nose to the ground. I wish I could tell you all the stories from my travels. I wish I could ask you about what I've seen.

She breathed deep, shifting sideways.

Mama, she continued, and her voice broke on the word. Tears filled her eyes and spilled over, and she began to weep for a while upon the graves, wishing fervently that she could crawl back to her mother's breast and stay there, and forget all that had occurred.

Mama. . . I miss you. I hope you're proud of us. Watch over me. . .and Arielle, wherever she is.

After a while, she loosed a jagged stone from the gravesite and polished it with her tongue, eventually carrying it with her to the caldera.

She'd bury it there, in a thicket of flowers, and there the souls of her ancestors would reside.

If one believed in that, at least.