Wolf RPG

Full Version: the wicked they don't ever rest
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Aquene had treated them, sending them on their way and in the process she had explained basic survival healing… truthfully, it was something she considered bringing to the Imperator as a mandatory training session for Auxilia so heaven forbid if they get injured on a scouting trip, they would not bleed out and die. The healing arts could be fickle. After she had sent them on her way she had collapsed in the tablinum for the night, sleeping peacefully solely from the exhaustion of the events that day. It had been hectic to say the least.
The next morning when she awoke, she found her way to the common area, resting on one of the pelts as she stared at a collection of small stones and sticks positioned in different ways. Ever since the lesson about other creatures… she had wondered about larger conflict scenarios. She doubted every fight she ever had would simply be one on one and so she was simulating a three on two scenario with her expanse of natural debris. She was doing so in the common area in case the Matrona needed something for pain, knowing the events that likely had occurred already… Aquene wanted to make sure she was nearby so the woman would not need to move too much if it were painful.
She hummed, eyes narrowed. Truthfully, it was a distraction, from her worries and the events of the day before.