Wolf RPG

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Across the borders of Moonglow, Samani trotted into the glen. Her eyes searched the thick shrubbery with mild interest. She had followed a sparse trail of bird tracks – quail – that she had found interesting. It had carried her a good distance from her home. Though her tracking skills were meek, she had been working to improve them with the instruction that her mother had offered.

Pausing near the edge of the glen, Samani caught the movement of the quail. They were nestling down in the roots of the bushes, cooing softly to each other. The moon child was not certain that she wished to disturb them. She paced a few steps before returning to the best possible place to watch them and she sat down to observe the quail family and their comings and goings.
the quail were known of.

hunter's mark.

she moved today to make her strike.

weaving between trees. paws gently pressing into covering of leaves. chocolate eyes studious.


a covey.

she hid in the summer grass, coat merging. with each blow of wind she moved, stilled when it stopped.

they were now a dozen leaps away.

or a single sprint of olympian body.
Samani had not yet experienced hunting with a stranger, and most certainly had not with a stranger who looked that way. 

Her jadestone gaze was fixed on the quail. Her heart raced as she thought of the prayers she would offer to send the small-bird spirit to the dancing lights. She did not see the other hunter. The moon child still had much to learn before she would be a proficient hunter. This was an opportunity for knowledge. 

Samani sprang from her hiding place, trained on the quail. If the other hunter timed their approach just right, they might find success in one of the fleeing feathered beasts. Samani’s eyes fixed on a plump one and her teeth parted.