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For the beautiful mama @Tamar and any of the babies if they wish to make little cameo posts. <3

Arsenio was overjoyed.

It had been roughly a week since their young ones had been born. Aquene had even made a trip from the canyons to the vale in order to make sure that Tamar had delivered them safely. Though he had been stricken with worry listening to her fight the pains of childbirth, she had come through and their trio had entered the world with no problems. The Gods had smiled on them.

Arsenio carried a plump rabbit in his teeth as he poked his head into the family den. He smiled around the fluff of the prey in his mouth, tail waving happily. The redstone figure stepped inside and placed the rabbit near Tamar where she could feed on it when she had the strength or hunger to do so.

My love, how are you feeling? How are our little ones?
it was more of an adjustment than she had expected.

tamar was often engorged. the nursing of three children, antigone the most ravenous, kept her own hunger fierce. her husband was attentive.

but today a great melancholy had taken hold of the young mother. she wiped quickly at her eyes as her husband came up, nestling the children closer.

"thank you, i am starving," she breathed, grabbing the rabbit and beginning a quick meal as she grinned tiredly toward her mate.
Arsenio nodded, grabbing one of the young girls and settling her between his paws while Tamar was allowed to eat.

You have been working so hard, Tamar… supporting these little ones. Their hunger never seems to end!

The doting father leaned forward and planted his cold nose to the top of Zulema’s head in a kiss. Her little mouth parted, and a squeak sounded before she settled into her place between his legs. Arsenio glanced toward Tamar, feeling pleased that their little girl was so comfortable with him. He looked at the other two children who were nestled deep in his wife’s belly fur.

I wish that I could make milk to give you some rest…
she laughed despite herself.

yet arsenio's sentiment was sweet enough to bring swift tears upon her face. "i know that you would." she chewed a last bite of meat and looked down at their children.

"antigone eats enough for two of them! zulema is polite at her meals. and zosime sings." her pale eyes were filled with happiness as she looked back toward her husband.

"i do miss aquene. but it is not bad to be here with you and with them."
They are already individuals!

Arsenio laughed, a warm sound that filled the air. He was pleased to know that they were showing themselves so early on. It was delightful to hear that Zosime sang, that Zulema was polite and gentle, and it emboldened him to hear that his son fed hungrily. He hoped that these would be things they could watch develop in the months to come.

Aha! I hope that I am an acceptable consolation companion in her absence, he chuckled. Aquene and Kallik will be missed. I had hoped that we might form Epoch as friends. There will be others, though. We will fill our home with good men and women. Arsenio was certain of this. He did not believe that they needed the partnership of Mereo to feel strong in their foundation.
she too laughed.

"they are so! but look at who their father is," she teased. "he has such a robust personality of his own." her brow arched; she teased him with a grin and then kissed his sunfilled cheek.

"there will be others," she said after him, and this time she did not feel the pain in her chest. they had made their choice. the vale then belonged more to her and to arsenio.
Arsenio had only smiles to share with Tamar. He thought she was radiant, glowing brightly with the beauty of a mother. Their children did not even know how fortunate they were to have such a beautiful soul caring for them. He hoped that they would learn, as they grew. He hoped that they would adore Tamar as much as he did. She was sunlight in his world – the warmth and comfort of home.

The vale belonged to them. In it, they would raise their children to be strong and good. Arsenio wanted his young ones to show promise, to be dependable. There were little doubts in his mind that they would take the world by storm.

The man thought for a moment about sharing the news his decision to cut their alliance with Mereo. He did not want her to worry. He intended to remain friendly with the Roman and his soldiers. Arsenio merely did not wish to be left as an after thought again. When Tamar had healed and regained her strength, he would share the word with her. Until then, he believed she had every right to enjoy her motherhood.

Who do you think will sing songs with me? he asked her, eyes gleaming. One of their pups would have some musical talents, or so he hoped.
"zulema, i think."

tamar laughed. "but zosime's voice too is sweet! i think it may be three of you after all." her eyes were teasing. she reached to kiss him.

a thought came to her. suppose arsenio wanted to renew their family in the springtime? and how could the thought delight her so when she still lay abed with their first?

"will you teach them your songs, husband?"