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Pack Meeting! Everyone please post at least once <3 Mar is exempt due to them saying something prior but I will tag Arlette and Turmeric regardless! @Arlette @Turmeric @Adlartok @Veran @Maiken @Arashi @Tsunari @Fenrir @Sovereign

Fury had thought on this long and hard - Rebranding. Now, it was time to gauge how everyone else felt, if they would support such a vision as hers. 
Prowling to the Gathering Rock, the Warchief jumped up to the top and called for everyone under their current banner. 

She would wait until all had become present to begin.
"Fellow Saints, I have thought on a rebranding of our pack for a long time now - something more fitting of my image instead of the past. It is now time for all of you to share your views on the matter." With that, she would explain The Rebranding, ranks and all. 

"I acknowledge that this vision of mine is different than what we currently have, and that it is based in the ways and religion of my homeland far into the North. Please, speak your views on this matter." 

Fury would be silent then, so everyone else could speak their mind. This was important and vital, she felt, instead of forcing it upon them.
he listened.

uncertain of it all. it made things sounded like he would need be a battler. as much as it all intrigued him, it also planted a seed of worry. of doubt, in himself.

but he would always be cowardly and reserved.

so his silence remained for now, wondering if somebody he knew might speak up.
Short response from me! Will likely be my only, unless specifically addressed.

Despite being her husband, Arashi knew little of her family's history. The way they communed as a pack, were different than what he was used to. But what was a little change? Nothing he couldn't find content with.

It doesn't sound like a terrible idea. He was the first to speak up from beside the rock where he sat. But, regardless of my opinion, I stand with you no matter what. As was his place, as both her mate and second in command. It would always be that way.
Artok's ears went forward and stayed there. Eyes on the she wolf in front of him, though as respectful as possible. He knew these religions. They stirred a memory, but of what and whom he couldn't grasp.

I'm for it.

Then he settled to his haunches. He was old, too old to make a fuss about a religion and a rebranding. Especially since it weren't his pack anyway, from a leadership standpoint as it were.
Maiken nodded. I know some of this. My homeland, the groups, followed gods of Svart and Kvit, but we heard whispers of these. Steeped in stone. I am on board with this.

Then Maiken settled to her haunches, eyes downward. She mentally ticked through the words she knew and didn't know. And tried to remembered gods/goddesses and the like. It was not an easy task given that her people followed someone different.
Arlette came when called. She had focussed on helping Fury as much as possible with the pack. She was always there in the background and managing what she could. She mostly looked out for their members and if they were healthy or needed someone to talk too.

When Fury asked their opinion it was easy. This was her home, her family. And she already had an introduction. She liked the rebranding. "I will stay by your side," she told Fury.
Gonna minorly PP the approval from toons who haven't posted yet to close this up, pls ping me if y'all need something changed! I'll leave this up until Nov. 1st just in case <3

Everyone was for it.
Fenrir, she figured would be more than thrilled about these changes. 
Everyone else she was not so sure about...but it worked out.

Fury let out a visible sigh of relief at such support from her wolves.

"With everyone's support, then it is so. We are now Hildibrandr!" She declared. 
"You are now dismissed to your duties, everyone. Thank you for your support. Please, come find me with any questions." With that, the Fullvalda would descend from her place on top of the boulders, presumably to return to patrolling alone, unless someone came to join her.