Wolf RPG

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she moved with a practiced grace through the evening's misting.

the scents of the pack were limited, some stronger than others. the main woman's scent was thickest alongside the man's it seemed.

in fact, it was @Fury she sought that evening. although she imagined it was very possible that anybody might intercept her. seeing as she was the new kid on the block.
Fury had been lightly napping, which was a rarity in and of itself, when she heard footfalls close to the den-site she shared with Arashi.

Slipping from her den with ease and poise, the Fullvalda would catch the scent of Skelle before she prowled through the forest and trees to meet their newest member.
The Warqueen looked upon the dark woman with silent intrigue and inquiry.

If Skelle didn't need her attention at the moment, she would return to resting for a bit. If she did, why then she was already present to hear why.
ah, there was the woman of the hour.

i was hoping you'd have time for a lesson. for me. a brief crooked grin before it was hidden just as quick. i thought it might be good to learn the language of things here, but if you're busy we can schedule another time. a soft shrug of her shoulders.

it would be entirely up to the other woman.
Fury caught the brief grin from Skelle with well-trained eyes. 
It unfurled a spark of distrust that she hid behind the steel face of a nod and a small, accepting smile of her own. 
"Very well." She would rumble calmly. 
Turning with a beckon of her great head, the Fullvalda would seat herself in the clearing just outside of her and Arashi's den. 

"We will start with the name of our pack, and ranks that make up Hildibrandr." She eyed Skelle to see if this was doable.
sorry this is so small ;;

perfect. she agreed with a firm nod of her head. content to trail after the great sovereign leader herself, and to settle herself near her.

her ears remained tall, posed to catch the words that fury would give.
Because I personally am not well-versed in Icelandic or any other language besides american english, please take the meanings of titles and such w/ a grain of salt lol

Fury nodded once as Skelle agreed to the lengths of the lesson she was being given.
With that, the sovereign leader would ease into a sit and begin, noting the attentive body language of her newest Thrall

"Hildibrandr, it means 'battle sword'." She started.
"The name comes from my homeland far into the north, outside these Wilds." She added, pausing a moment to let Skelle take this information in.

Over the course of the next several minutes, the Fullvalda would explain the rank titles and what they meant, pausing occasionally to let the new blood process the information she was gaining.

battle sword.

it seemed...appropriate, she guessed. a band of soldiers, with a few others sprinkled in. she listened as they went down the list of ranks and titles. some intrigued her more than others.

Huskarl sounded fascinating. a special force? now what did that imply! yet before she could ask, she had another idea brewing in her mind.

you know, if the language isn't common it would make for a good way to exchange messages.
Fury considered Skelle's suggestion with a pause, then a slow exhale.

"I don't know how common my home tongue is in these Wilds. I do believe most of our foes do not speak it, however." She mused. The Fullvalda allowed herself to be genuine in her appearance this moment - a true sign she was considering Skelle's words.
well, maybe we set up some lessons. that way if anybody is out scouting or...you know a little mischievous smirk and a raise of her brow.

it's easier to get messages exchanged between only us. no matter if we're in a crowded place or not. granted...i don't know how much spying you have in mind for your soldiers.
Fury considered Skelle's words further as she spoke them. 
Suggestions of spying...
The Fullvalda would want this at some point, but their numbers at the moment were too few to spare such missions. 

"With greater numbers, I would send spies, but for now our energy is best conserved for surviving the winter." The Warqueen uttered.
i agree, no distracting from survival. i just think maybe if we spend our time learning that language then when we have enough bodies the words will be like second nature, yeah?

a thoughtful tilt of her head as she considered the woman before her. strong, smart, calculated. skeller was only here to be a bit of a puppet.

i could be the test subject. she laughed, a little croaky but warm.
Fury took in Skelle's words thoughtfully.
The dark woman had a point, small as that point seemed at the moment. 

Then the suggestion of Skelle herself being the test subject. 

Fury would entertain this with a raise of her brow.
"How do you visualize yourself being tested upon, should I agree to this?" 
The aura of the sovereign, perhaps similar in many ways to as if Lady Dimitrescu was stirring a cup of blood tea while listening to the words of one of her daughters.
well, i would need to be taught the language. then maybe you...send me out to find something, see something. only the catch would be i have to report it back to you in the language, yeah?

a soft shrug of her shoulders, even if her tone remained seriously invested in this.

if i can get a coherent report out to you, then maybe it's worth expanding the tongue in hildibrandr. just an idea, i know you're a busy lady so language class may not be top of list.
The sovereign listened with care as the Thrall gave an example of how it would work.
Fury's demeanor was attentive still, ears catching every word. 
"Alright. I will test this with you for..." A pause as she considered time length.
"A month. If it works well enough by then, I will bleed my home tongue into those of us who don't know it." She deemed.
Her golden gaze held Skelle now - would this suffice?
fade? happy to assume they've been working BTS since this is a bit older :)

perfect. thanks for hearing me out.

and she meant it, a brief warm smile on her face. genuine. even if it looked out of place on her features.
Absolutely! That works for me! <333

Fury gave a dip of her head to Skelle's words, a soft smile on her own features. 
"That's part of my job." She chuckled in light tones, eluding to the fact that she truly gave a fuck about her clansmen.