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pack meeting! 5 day rounds or ill reply when everyone has <3 optional but strongly encouraged. PPing NPCs 

@Tierra @Killdeer @Atreus @Minne @Alstroemeria (tagging @Reyson for visibility <3)

it was in the forum that germanicus summoned his wolves once more.

he had woken beside fennec and after a morning of hunting, had come here to bring them together.

he looked for the softspun gold of her fur now, missing her and feeling rather bereft given their last tense words.

germanicus had spent long hours alone toiling upon the future of mereo, but in the end his tactician's mind suggested he could not do it alone.

"first and foremost i want to thank each one of you for your continued service to mereo," the silver man said when they had come to meet him. valiria lurked somewhere close, the last of his four children to remain. sybol stood somewhere near tierra, and the great glaukos watched coolly from the back of the small crowd.

"we have lost many. now the winter approaches and we must fortify." the eagle looked to each in turn. "i ask you now to give me your thoughts for mereo. we have no enemy though we are trained for it. but every one of you has a role in the canyon. tell me now if you desire something other."

his yellow eyes were calm.

"let us reforge. but this is our home. and for you i will hold it, even if my original vision must change."


germanicus did not glance toward fennec now lest she see how he struggled so with his weaknesses.
Germanicus called for Mereo to join together. 

Alstroemeria was quick to heed. With the others that came, she stood and listened to what the imperator had to share. He was distraught — this much was evident. He had been Mereo's creator, with a strong vision. But not always could one vision stay the same.

Until the end of his speech, the scarred woman waited in silence. Then, when he was finished, she would offer her opinion as he requested of them. Not all would speak, but of them, she had words to share.

This place was meant as a base for soldiers. It has become strong... but now we have lost many soldiers and civilians. Our numbers will continue to wither if we stay this way. What say we change your original concept? Expand the canyon to more skill types and create suitable ranks for such. This does not mean our trained combatants need give up there experience, for guardians are always needed. But by teaching our youth and even new recruits they only have a few paths to undertake, it can frighten them away. Not everyone desires a future knowing only how to be triumphant in battle.
Fennec settled herself near Killdeer, silently waiting. She'd expected a conversation before this but was not about to complain; this was essentially what she'd suggested and it felt necessary. She'd been thinking these past few days herself, and speaking with others about their experiences in Mereo. Doing it this way was very Germanicus; it was expedient, but not entirely personal.

The woman Fennec had recently met spoke up first. Fennec let a brief pause extend after, then decided to share her own thoughts. Fuck it. She wasn't sure how much of the pack knew about their mateship, but if they didn't, they were going to think she was way out of line.

As if I've ever been in line.

I think there's a better way to look at it. Fuck, already there's a blind joke. Mereo's one pack. It should have one purpose, and dividing us doesn't do any good. Ranking some skills differently, or above others, doesn't either. All it does is make certain members feel less important. Less heard, or seen.

Loyalty should be just as important as skill. Maybe even more, in some cases. But right now, everything's restrictive. And everything depends on you to lead it. But you can't be everywhere. Fennec didn't need to worry about meeting his gaze, but she did wonder about his reaction. This wasn't about his pride.

The ranks should reflect value to Mereo, not value to some battle we may or may not fight. Or to some pack that isn't ours. Akashingo. He'd explained why the relationship existed, and she agreed to it... but she didn't like how heavily Germanicus considered it a part of the ranking process. Or how it felt, as a result, that they were an army at Akashingo's beck and call.

She went quiet, finished. Their last conversation still sat heavily in her thoughts too, and the distance between them made saying all of this easier. She worried less about how he felt about it.

And then a final thought came to her, and it brought out a genuine smile with how well it might inform him exactly where his understanding had been mistaken. It was exactly the kind of thing he would understand. Mereo isn't an army. It's a fortress.
Tierra didn't know what this meeting was about but she was absolutely thrilled to attend! She gave a nod and a bump to her favorite trainee/bestie, but seated herself closer to where Germanicus sat. Not, like, on his right or anything... but with Reyson off in party land, she was totally the closest thing to leadership he had. Aka she totally had his back in this meeting.

She didn't exactly have any notes she hadn't already given, though, and she was pretty effin content with her own little career track. Some of the other ideas sounded interesting, and she didn't exactly mind them... but she also didn't give a fuck either way. If they wanted to feel better about themselves, what was stopping them from just, like, learning to spar? She'd done it easy enough.

For once, Tierra was the one to keep her mouth shut, but she watched with interest anyway. Maybe one would pop up that would help her out? Otherwise she was game with whatever Germanicus wanted. It was his show.
Atreus dutifully attended, though he was too new and too young to contribute much to the conversation. He listened to everything being said, though mostly he took the opportunity to catalog his gathered comrades. He recognized almost everyone at least in passing but here was a spectacular opportunity to learn a bit more about everybody.

The heavily scarred Alstroemeria spoke first, proposing diversification. Fennec countered her, the discussion soon gaining a depth that largely went over the boy’s head. Still, he did his best to pay attention. Atreus wanted to understand what was at stake here. This was his home now and he was apparently being offered some say in how to shape its future. If only it didn’t seem so complicated, he might actually have something to offer.

Something the blind Principales said in particular confused him. What other pack was she referring to? In his naivete, Atreus hadn’t realized they were in service to anyone but themselves. That didn’t make sense to him. Packs were meant to hold a territory and guard its resources, protecting and serving those who lived there. At least, that’s how he’d always understood it.

He shifted his weight, staying silent, a thoughtful frown etched into his youthful features. It deepened when he abruptly realized there weren’t just a handful of new faces here, there were some familiar faces missing from the crowd. For instance, where was the Matrona? Atreus’s jaw tightened as the Imperator’s words really sank in: “We have lost many.”
next round! @Fennec @Alstroemeria @Atreus @Killdeer @Minne <3 there will be a rank update to follow!

a fortress.

fennec might never know how this word lodged like a limpet in his mind. he listened to the two speak and gleaned many things from both offerings.

in the end the eagle was silent for a long moment and then he looked at each of them in turn. "i think it is time we did reshape mereo." fennec had spoken with a directness that reminded him that it was also the foundation of their marriage.

the yellowpaint eyes were clearing as a new resolve entered them. "i would like to see more equality inside ranks, rather than a never-ending hierarchy that places strength over mind. both are necessary."

"and i would like to create a system wherein the young may rise beneath mentorship." his eyes were on fennec. this was a time to rejoice, was it not?

"the canyon is very large, a day across. i believe mereo should move to the southlands."

germanicus briefly detailed the layout of the place, the difference in the cave networking, the water sources, the forest which reached down and provided good hunting.

and then he was galvanized. "moreover it is protected, and it will be little to relocate the common areas and tablinum." he looked toward the matron with her experienced scars. "lady alstroemeria, you will oversee the finding of a new tablinum. you may cultivate herbs inside it or you may seek to create a center of advocacy and advice."

the words came easier now. "firstly, however, some belated news. lady fennec and i have recently married. she will join me in leadership and help to guide the future of mereo, should she accept." there was affection in the set of his jaw when he looked toward her alabastrine eyes.

"praefectus," he said of tierra. "i have not forgotten your own aspirations. you are the highest-ranked officer currently present and so it is with your own advancement in place that i give you more power. take a scouting party and go into the south before us. rout anyone or anything that may have made its home there for now. you might take icarus with you. he has interest in ranging and tracking." already they were a specialized pair.

"the rest of us will fall to gathering what will be brought and keeping the borders warded until we are ready to move. on your report, tierra." the sooner she moved, the sooner mereo would redestine itself.
it wasn't fair to feel left out, even if she had nothing to say, really.

she hadn't thought mereo would matter much to her. that she'd do what most creatures did through winter and then split come spring. only she had found a friendship in tierra and the food was more like a bonus now.

still, she sort of itched at hearing her new friend get all the good shit. she deserved every bit of it, of course, minne believed.

only she wanted some of that pie too.

maybe a conversation to have with the big man later — or his wife.

for now, she merely beamed a big smile at tierra.
It was time Mereo saw change. And Germanicus was willing to provide.

He shared with them how their new system would be, what the ranks would entail, and also a bit of information she had not known: that he and Fennec were a newly couple. From their previous encounter, Alstroemeria knew the woman to be frank, honest, and devoted. With such an individual in leadership alongside the imperator, they would surely thrive.

Then on, he explained that they would travel. A new tablinum would also be required. The scarred woman was placed with this task. And gratefully, she accepted.

I will see it done. Let it be known to all, that I am present to tend any wounds or be a listening ear and a wise tongue for any who may need it. A small offering, but one that would be beneficial in the long-run. She wanted those she now called her packmates to know she was here to provide for them in whatever ways she was able.

From then on, Ali was silent, listening closely to what more would be shared; whether by Germanicus' tongue, or others.
Fennec wasn't expecting what came next.  She wondered if she ever would.

Instead of an argument, he seemed to take their words to heart and use them to consider a new direction.  Not only that, but there was a different sound to his tone.  He almost sounded - determined?  In a way he hadn't previously.

More equality.  A system for mentorship for future children.  Something that had the beginnings of better resembling an actual home.  She liked the idea of relocating, as the south had always suited her more.  She spent most of her time among the trees.

And a new healer, one that graciously accepted. A while ago she might have resented this, but the witch had decided healing wasn't the future she wanted here. She could help those who enjoyed it more, but taking care of others had never felt like a calling she embraced wholeheartedly. Just one she'd taken to feel useful.

What came after this was the biggest surprise.  Fennec didn't react right away, but a warmth spread in her when Germanicus not only announced their mateship, but also offered her a place at his side.  Was that a hint of matching color in his tone?  She hadn't wanted him to give it to her based on their relationship or on the fact that she might have expected it.  She wanted it to be because he saw value in her contributions, and the way he offered it now reassured her.  She swallowed her pleasure, and the surprising rush of affection behind it, and gave a small smile that belied the spark of it.  I will.

They could talk later about the extent of what that meant.  For now she left it to the rest of them to respond to the assignments he'd given, pleased she'd been able to bring some passion from him for the future of this place.
Tierra was totally oblivious to her friend's internal struggle. She was pleased as hell when Germanicus called her out and didn't bother to hide it one bit. Why should she?! He was totally right!

Of course Fennec was getting promoted. She'd, like, totally expected that since they started banging or whatever. News of marriage was new but hardly meant anything different - Obvi she was a new favorite and Tierra wasn't going to blame Germ for that. She'd just kind of question his taste and all. (And her sister's too. At least she had the excuse of being blind?)

Sweet! You got it! I mean, yes'sir. She snapped a salute, then beamed and looked at Bear/Icarus/whatshisface. Score! All she had to do was a little easy scouting and they were totes home free. She had this promotion (whatever the heck it was) in the bag!
A lot more was said, particularly by Germanicus, and all Atreus could do was try to keep up and think to himself something along the lines of, Um… okay.

He glanced at Tierra, wondering if she would take the Imperator up on his suggestion to take Atreus with her. At least he could understand that directive. And he was interested in the task, so he hoped she would say “yes.”

Tierra’s enthusiasm did not disappoint. A small smile twitched Atreus’s lips and he bobbed his head a little absently.
He was late. Oh, so late. He galloped up and along the undulating terrain of Mereo, having no excuse as to why he had missed his leader's call.

—believe Mereo should move to the southlands.

He gave a fervent nod, skidding to a stop, panting slightly at the periphery of the gathered pack. He flashed his mother a sheepish grin, then turned his golden eyes to Germanicus, expectant—and apologetic.

He hoped he hadn't missed any announcements pertaining specifically to himself.

That would be embarrassing.
last reply for me! feel free to reply again or not! ill archive later <3

so it was done. fennec would be the imperatrix and the pack entire would move to the southlands.

killdeer was given an amused look.

he nodded at them, and for some time he would be available for any questions posed by his wolves, before moving off with his wife to discuss further things.