Wolf RPG

Full Version: with our hearts and with our hands
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the sun had peeked through mist, the morning worship to Ra had commenced.

treva had sent toula off to her usual lessons, encouraging sethnakht to visit the priests that morning as well. then she had begun her own morning duties. a stretch in misted sunlight.

at once, she swept out upon akashingo.

@Anaelle! her voice rang out, warm and vibrant. her little dove had done well to stay close and she would not be surprised if the new sesh was currently in her chambers already!

Anaelle was just outside the queen’s quarters when she called, and the woman released a friendly trill in response, tail curved into a hook shape as she came trotting into view.

Sun’s salutations to you, madame reine She chirped, already in a rather happy mood. And why wouldn’t she? She was full and happy.
you are radiant, sesh.

the queen cooed with warmth, as she motioned for the little dove to come sit alongside her.

are you familiar with proper preparations to make for spring? i will have more children when the time comes.

it was not a question! it was a known fact that she felt aching in her bones.
She came to the woman’s side with an ease about her, plopping her little tush into the seat motioned. Green eyes peered up at the much taller long legged, before the little greyhound looked forward with a pursed lip.

Oh, I believe so. The knowledge was one of the few things to remain intact from her past. Her eyes lifted again.

Are others to have children too? How much would she need? How much would she be required to find?
the numbers are unknown to me at this time.

there was something in her gaze, dark and brewing for a moment.

but i would like you to tend to me specifically, alongside our other sesh@Tavina. she recalled the last year with the doctor. she can give you my...prior history, if you need it. but i believe it might be best if you stayed as my nurse maid at all times during the pregnancy and post-birth.

is that agreeable to you, my dove?

she spoke with warmth and adoration!
I am so sorry this took me so long!

Her eyes went wide, and she nodded slowly, at first, then much faster.

I-Yes! It would be of biggest honor! She was so happy in that moment that she could have danced! The queen enjoyed her presence enough to bring her in as a nursemaid!

She did dance, just a little, with a quick tappy-tap motion!