Wolf RPG

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if you have time <3 but otherwise aw! 

@Adylaide was the first one Iseul wanted to see after her little 'date'.

in a spare moment when she found herself alone, the girl would push her nose into the ground in search of the little woman whom she befriended in her earlier days on the isle. she hadn't really thought much of it, but lately, Iseul has been feeling more grounded and permanent within the land. it's a bit as if the isle was becoming her true home. and this realization was exciting to her.

she had friends, leaders she respected, and voices she enjoyed listening to. and now? she had makan by her side. of all the things to expect, her blossoming relationship with him was at the very bottom of her expectations. but perhaps that was her mistake, to assume what is and is not possible. at this point, the girl just follows the direction the universe pushes her into.

she broke away from the rivers and headed more inland towards the meadow, where snow crunches beneath her as she meanders about. hopefully, when the snow all melted, it would be a place of flowers and laughter and wonderous hunts. she could imagine all of it with ease.
I'm always down for Ady/Iseul threads :D

Ady was moving through the pack lands. She had new friends, new lease on life. Possibly even new life growing deep inside her. She wouldn't know for sure for a little while yet if at all. She was all very new to these things.

Ady took a soft break through the meadow she had found. And she couldn't quite hide the absolute joy of her walk bringing her. 

At the sound of another she lifted her head and gave a soft wuff to her friend and walked fast towards her. Iseul! she called out.
there she was! the radiant girl was practically hidden in the white scenery that surrounded her. iseul offers her own little "boof" of an initial greeting, tail wagging feverishly behind her. when she comes into closer proximities, the girl wears nothing but a bright smile on her face.

"ady, ady!" she exclaims with much excitement as she comes to cease her walking when up close, "much news to tell you, much much!" she sounded a bit silly adding in the extra words, but to Iseul, it was important for her to try and add emphasis to the situation and show her excitement.

"i meet someone, here in the isle." her sides nearly explode from trying to avoid oversharing all the details of her encounter!
Ady was absolutely pleased with the enthusiastic greeting she received. It was so nice to have friends that didn't want something from her, except her company. That was a true feeling of bliss.

Ady's eyes lit up with delight. There was things to be said and things to be done. Oh I can't wait!

Ady was immediately interested and curious. She tilted her head. Oh Who?

She thought of quiet Makan and new to the world Golliad. They both seemed kind and would be good company for Iseul. Ady was certain that either would be on their best behavior. She imagined that the quiet Makan would be better suited for the sweet Iseul.
and for a moment, iseul has to pause and think. just who was the mysterious man that had come to play with her?

with a sense of light bewilderment, and perhaps a tinge of bashfulness, iseul looks to her paws for a second or two. "he never told me name." had she really allowed herself to be consumed by someone who was nothing but a question mark for everything? no name, age, family, or even interests to be whispered into her ears. 

and the more she thought of it, she wondered if the boy decided to not speak at all just because, or if there was something that kept him from uttering any words at all. while iseul was not one to judge others, she did know that there would be difficult roadblocks ahead with such wolves.

"but dark, dark dark coat and blue eyes. we played and had fun, without any words!" in one way, it was impressive. but in another way, perhaps iseul was putting too many of her eggs in 1 basket. and for a moment she had to wonder if her friend could come to judge her for creating such affinities towards others so quickly.
Ady hadn't meant to upset her friend, but she moved forward to be nearer.

Well we don't always need names to enjoy the company of another. If he is a part of here, you will see him again. I am sure of it. No one could stay away from  you for long. You're far too sweet.

Ady smiled and wagged her tail. Oh i know who you speak of. He cannot speak, so it makes sense that he didn't give you a name.

She frowned sadly and her tail drooped. I don't know his name either, oh I wonder if we can find a way for him to tell us. It seems a cruelty to be unable to share your name with those you care for.

Ady smiled again though. He seems very kind. I am glad you have met him. What did you play?
when ady told her all that she needed to know, minus the boy's actual name, everything just clicked. and at one moment, it made the girl happy because it all made so much sense to her! but the next moment, iseul comes to realize that this might throw a wrench into things.

sure, communication through actions was easy to do enough, but how was she going to convey other things to him? how would she know his favorite color, food, flower, or season? these were important questions that she might never get an answer to because they required more than just pointing and moving! at least the boy wasn't deaf, or else she would really be in trouble.

"we run through snow," she would come to tell ady, "like kids." it was childish perhaps, but it mattered not what others thought. it brought joy to both makan and iseul, which was the only important factor in the end. "would Ulrich know his name?" this man had come to be a plethora of knowledge to Iseul, so it was no surprise she thought of going to him for an answer.

"he is different," she would come to tell ady, perhaps in a way to explain why she liked him so, "and kind, and ah--," she had to recall the corrected version of the word she thought of, "--beautiful."

had she known more words to describe all the wonderful attributes of the boy, perhaps she'd list them right then and there. but with her lack of fluency, she stays within the barriers of what she knows. but she was learning from her conversations with others about how words changed based on context.
Ady knew that there would be challenges with conversations with makan, but she liked him none the less, and he fit with Iseul well, she felt. They were both sweet and kind. He was quiet and so was Iseul. 

Ady gave a soft giggle and pranced. Who says snow is for kids? I love to play in the snow. Pshaw. If you like it, it doesn't matter your age.

Ady frowned in though and tapped a white paw against her maw. I'm not sure, he may. But I doubt it. I wish we could give him names to choose from, but there are so many. Ady's tail drooped a little as did her ears. She didn't know how to help her friend learn the males name.

Ady smiled. Those are all wonderful things. I find Ulrich beautiful myself, so I can understand the sentiment.

Ady rushed forward and hugged her friend as tightly as she would allow. I'm so happy for you!
the hug catches her off guard. oftentimes it was discouraged to hug strangers– but Ady wasn't a stranger now, was she? she was a friend, and that meant that her hugs were going to be well met! so, iseul is happy to let the tiny woman wrap herself around her larger figure, tail wagging excitedly behind her for developing such a quick relationship so soon.

it seems like even in the dead of winter, the isle still had a magical way to let some things bloom and grow. "i am happy too," she would come to tell her, "so happy."

she had to only hope that Ulrich knew the shadow's name. but if he didn't perhaps Iseul would come up with a new name for him, or just continue to use her body to speak rather than her tongue. but even then, would that become straining for her at some point?

and now that she thinks about it, she wonders about a gift for him. to show her feelings to him, of course. it was customary to do such a thing, but what would he like? maybe Ady would have some ideas as she already had a husband?

"I want to, ah, give thing to him." she wasn't quite sure what this thing would be, but she knew the sentiment was still there. what would makan like to receive as a gift from her? "what things Ulrich like?" was Ulrich a man of the hunt who liked freshly caught meals? or perhaps something more special, like a song or a dance? even while she was talented in poetry, it didn't matter because Makan would never know what she even said!
Ady probably shouldn't have rushed forward to hug her, but she was so excited. As it was for her at all times, she was excited and exuberant and cheerful. It was so nice to hug. And be hugged in return. Ulrich was great at it but it was nice to have other friendships and the like as well.

Ady's tail quivered and weaved behind her. A wolfish grin happily splitting her maw.

There was no doubt that Ulrich didn't know the shadow's name. But not because they wanted too. But rather because he couldn't. Ady believed that things could be handled well and once they got along and knew each other well. It wouldn't be such a strain on Makan and Iseul's body language.

Ady's ears drooped and for a moment she was briefly sad. I'm not sure what Ully would like. He likes food, and he likes for me to spend time with him and hug him. He would probably like dance and song. Ully and I came from a place where our love was forbidden until we came here.
food, quality time, and physical touch. all of those sounded reasonable within iseul's mind. but how would she go about offering all of these; was there a specific order that she should try? maybe she was just overthinking, but iseul really wanted to impress makan. hopefully, her skills would come to develop in time and she would be able to show her affection in a growing manner.

but what struck her interest was not what Ulrich liked, but what ady said of their love.


well, if iseul knew what the word 'forbidden' meant, she'd probably squeal at the thought of hearing a story. but even then, the girl didn't need context to ask questions most times! "why forbidden?" she would come to ask of her, curious as to what it meant and why it was in place. ady didn't seem too happy to touch on this fact, so iseul wondered of why the topic perhaps struck a chord.
Ady herself preferred touch and quality time, but not everyone was the same. She knew this. But Ully did a good job of making sure she was well taken care of even sometimes at the expense of himself.

Ady's ears drooped a little, but she offered a smile. Ulrich and I were not allowed together, because he was a guard and I was a princess. He has protected me as long as I can remember and I grew very much in love with him.

Ady thought of Ulrich then. Her guard, her best friend. Who without she wouldn't be here. He had done everything in his power to protect her and had asked for nothing in return. But who had protected him.
she could see the pain that the memory brought up, iseul nudges a shoulder in a form of support to her small friend. and as she listens, there are words that she did not know. but with enough skills in context, she was able to patch things together and make a semi-educated guess on what it all meant.

uly and ady were called different names. so perhaps then they had different roles, different levels of importance? it seemed archaic at the thought, preventing others from finding their true love based on their role or name. but it is part of the not-so-distant past that iseul grew up around.

arranged marriages are not uncommon. "was ady... meant to love different wolf?" she asked, wondering if her wording was more or less there. maybe the girl was meant to love another, based on whoever was picked by her parents? perhaps it was a way to unite 2 groups, a common way in iseul's homeland.
Ady took the small nudge with a smile and tilted her head upwards. Happy in the moment with her friend. She had momentarily forgotten the burden of differeing languages. Because Iseul was so good at fitting between the lines. How she  loved her. So very much.

Ady nodded. Of sorts yes. They hadn't picked one out yet, but I am sure they would have. Had i not chosen one the offered. And my parents were just not nice. So power hungry.

She frowned in thought. To look back on it. Now that she was so far removed from it. It was horrifying and no wonder Ully was so anxious.
iseul was no princess. she held no land to her name she did not descend from a line of nobility, and she certainly did not inherit the desired genes for an empress. yet she knew of the culture behind all of what adylaide spoke. the stories spun by her grandmother reminded her of the conservative nature of her family and group -- despite the growth she had witnessed with her own eyes, there were still differences that kept them almost archaic.

"my home has 중매 결혼, where older female wolf, ah, picks others to love." an older model that has become dusty from the new life of marriage by choice, though still not out of commission entirely. grandmothers and respected women of the village with a natural ability to read what was left unspoken were up for the task to find lovers to unite groups together.

"it is silly, rules," she comes to say in a calm voice to ady, "love is, is not just... random choice." had she the words, iseul would have said more. she would have said that love is precious and treasured, something that cannot be forced or rushed. "i am happy ady has ulrich." 
Ady sometimes wished she had been born common. However, she also realized that she was given many things that most were not, and she needed to remember that she had been blessed in that regard, even if it had made her very naive in some ways and slightly spoiled.

Ady frowned at the thought. It was similar to her own life. Though she had been a pawn. My marriage was to be beneficial to my parents. However, they could use me for more land, more subjects, to broker peace.

Ady rushed forward at her friends words and hugged her again. Yes I Like this and thank you so much Iseul. She smiled softly.
more words, though they hold a meaning deeper than iseul could understand. but from the way ady conducted herself, iseul decided to not ask about it anymore. it obviously bothered her friend, so perhaps her manners would be that she doesn't push the salt into the wound more.

iseul comes to embrace ady again when the dainty woman comes close. it was strange to know of all the customs that ady was given by her birthright, yet she seemingly denied their existence in a way to pursue her own dreams. she had courage, something iseul always rewarded.

"if ady happy, then iseul happy." it felt easy to share the joys of her friend. and for a moment, iseul thinks of what might make makan happy again. she's a little unsure of what to really offer the man, but maybe ady could help her pick something out as they walked.

"can ady help iseul? need, ah-- gift for makan. maybe ady find something with iseul?" whether it was a shiny rock, a freshly caught fish, or maybe a few decorative branches, iseul wanted to present her gifts to him sooner than later.

feels like a good place to fade if you'd like, I can make a more present-day thread too! whatever you prefer <333
Ady smiled at her friend. It was so nice to have someone who cared for her as she cared for them. Of course she had Ully, but there was something different about having a friend. Specifically a girl friend that could understand all the womanly things.

Okay let's go find a gift! Her tail wagged behind her and she motioned for Iseul to follow and she'd trot off, happy to help Iseul find something to share with someone she cared about. It would be fun.

A smile on her face that matched the one in her eyes to tie it all up. 

Fading <3 and I'm fine with a new one if you'd like one.