Wolf RPG

Full Version: when the light in my eyes does fade
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It was not long before she wandered.

Home was gone and she needed to find it. Her soul wouldn’t have left her - couldn’t have left her - and the anchor that had kept her all these years now pulled her down, drowning her beneath the waves.

Every time she almost remembered, time lost more meaning, her fractured sense now shattered whole by a reality she would not (and could not) accept.

Now she moved with a fevered stiffness born of desperation. She did not eat, did not sleep; she would know the place when she found it. And she knew she would find her heart again where they’d first found love, back before time began.

If only she could remember what it looked like.

Rosalyn’s gaze was distant and detached; she looked without seeing. Her only purpose was to find the one who would never have left, the ragged tear that carried her mindlessly through the days and left her weeping, inexplicably and endlessly, each night.