Wolf RPG

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germanicus had killed a fawn and now he lay with it at the northern borders of riverclan.

he panted, one paw atop the still-warm body. it had not been easy, and coyotes had pursued for a time.

they stood even now. he showed his teeth, snarling in a fierce bristle.
Sandy smelled blood and then Coyotes and he raced towards it with a snarl fixed on his face. He didn't know this Germanicus, only knew he had brought upheaval to his pack lands, but he wouldn't let him to face battle alone. So he stood at his shoulder away from the fawn, so he wasn't mistaken for enemy and growled lowly at teh Coyotes. Watching them with cold yellow eyes.
the man sandulf was near.

with the riverclan wolf in defense, the imperator posed a terrible offense.

he lunged into the middle of the daring group, raking one with his teeth, biting the tail of another. their cries soared to heaven.
Sandy guarded the fawn, but would snap and bite those nearer. Guard the other wolf's back, when one began to sneak upon him, Sandy was upon it before it could breath. And it was quickly shoved and bitten and it returned with a yelp and a snarl.

Sandy was at it again, and the creature finally backed away, though it had begun to circle the dark man with red footpaws. Sandy lowered his head and growled, teeth showing and then lunged with a growl towards the creature's face.
the men fought grimly and harshly.

they were sopping with blood when the last of the creatures chose to flee.

he let out his breath in a sharp cut. "good fighting." later he meant to track them.
More red added to his pelage of black. He took a deep breath and then another and slowly calmed the angst and anger they had placed upon his head.

Thank you. You also.

Sandy watched them go, and for a brief moment he thought of chasing them. He'd be able to keep up, but he knew he needed to get some of his small wounds taken care of. Even small ones could cause infections.
he grunted.

"might i ask medicine of riverclan in return," the eagle inquired hoarsely, sitting up with some difficulty.

his eyes remained upon the trail of the hated beasts.
A small smile and a nod. Of course. We can go find Faun or Crow or Ash Paw. They all know a great deal about healing. I need some myself.

Sandy waited seeing if the male needed help moving or if he needed to call them here. He'd let him decide.
last for me! thank u for the thread <3

germanicus smothered his wince of pain.

he would sleep well knowing the borders were protected, but better still close to crowfeather.

riverclan was swiftly becoming a home.