Wolf RPG

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whenever! <3

in the lower lavender fields, heda called for @Vesper, @Kilgitsuk, and @Caracal.
she was feeling rather stronger, her glow apparent each day. and in that warmth, heda found renewed vitality. it was time for them to venture off-island for a time of good works, before she was bound by motherhood to its sanctified shores for another long while.
sitting, she waited, her eyes calm upon the eternal sea.
Before Caracal could make a final decision about going himself or sending a messenger in his stead, Heda mentioned going offshore to the mainland. Part of him wanted to encourage her to stay on the island, where it was safe. But he knew his wife would be bound to the whelping den for a while, so he deferred. Besides, he was just glad she was feeling better, thank God!

Think it’s alright if we visit Moonspear and Epoch? he asked after greeting Heda by rubbing his nose against her snowy cheek. We can tell them the good news and maybe meet my baby sibs and nibs!

heda grinned and readily agreed, feeling shy and yet holding a lovely anticipation for meeting caracal's family. it warmed her to know she was so treasured by him.
she kissed his cheek, settling into talk of the sunny future as it spread before them.