Wolf RPG

Full Version: Travel Vlog Day 43: Update- This Sucks
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Traveling. How much she had loved it while on her own territory, flitting here and there, sticking her nose into crevices and holes. Now, it was not as much fun. Just a monotonous flow of uninteresting landscapes, sun rises and sets, and aching cracked paw pads.

Grackle continued along her path, if you could even call it that. Really, she was just moving, trudging along without purpose. Her only motivation, get as far away as possible from her old pack's territory. She had left the night of her banishment and hadn't looked back, traveling in a straight line into the sun. Perhaps if she went far enough she would find the edge of the world. Sit at the edge of the world with her paws dangling over the side, and everything else behind her. What would the wolves be like at the edge of the world? Not so much different from herself, she would suppose. Idle thoughts such as these danced along in the tall wolf's head as she padded along, trying to think of anything other than her mother's scream of pain as the alpha, her alpha, had announced his judgment. How could he have thrown her out when she had given everything she had? Was her best not good enough? She would show them. Make them beg her return, and grovel at her paws. For now, at least, she would focus on one thing at a time. An empire wasn't built in a day after all.

The dark-coated wolf paused, letting out a cough that shook her whole body. The dust and pollen in the air tickled her dry, aching throat. How long had it last been since she had anything to drink? Far too long. Fortunately for her, a lake was coming into view. She raised her nose to the air, taking deep searching breaths. It seemed clear enough. The last thing she needed was some wolf coming to rip off her pelt for taking a drink in their lake.
Taking only a few steps at a time, nose working a million miles an hour, Grackle eventually made her way to the shore. She plunged her forepaws into the cool crystal surface, lowering her head to take large greedy gulps of the stuff. Sweet relief! It was only when without that one would realize how precious something really was. Licking the droplets from her maw, the wolf looked around again. The coast was still clear, so here she would stay and rest, for the moment at least.
Legend was there.

Right there.

Sitting beside this stranger.

Like a looming devil over their shoulder. There was no telling how long she'd been there.

She thought they were pretty! They looked a lot like her with their tall ears and angular face, limbs and dark fur!

Perhaps they were a cousin!

To rehash how close she was, she was looking straight down at the top of this strangers head while they drank, her body rested in a sit, tail slowly hitting the still wind.


Shimmying up her shoulders to display her posture and 'pretty sit', the gremlins grin grew cheeky with dances of wonder. Speak, stranger! "You-look-lot like I. Very regal! You must be of a kings land. What you called by?"

Still unaware of her audience, Grackle settled in to take another drink. This time, thankfully, not quite as rapaciously as before. "Hi!" The stranger's words broke the silence, causing the black coated wolf to splutter and cough in the most unbecoming fashion. Reeling away from the source of the noise, and taking just long enough to catch her breath to make it awkward, the whale eyed wolf stared up at the stranger.

Oh, excuse me, Grackle said, crouching down so that the tips of her belly fur dragged the surface of the water, Is this lake yours? I didn't smell any claims. She explained, eyeing the odd little canine for any sudden movements. 

Where there more surrounding her? She hadn't heard their approach at all. If this one had been so silent, only being seen when they wanted to, it was very possible that they had unseen friends waiting for a signal to attack. Right now, Grackle just needed to play nice. Play nice and not get her pelt ripped off.
She'd not moved, but simply turned her head and watched her recoil at her greeting. Her tail stopped it's sway, her eyes glistening in amusement and devilry; yet she could not deny her excitement of the fact this wolf did not lunge for her throat. She'd learned that to be reserved for a serpent, which made this wolf all the better! All the more willing to not show beastly tendencies with such a beastly body! Did all wolves get to have hot bods? This one sure was rocking one like a party with her pretty fur! She found even the nose scar she'd long since examined ten or fifteen or so minutes ago charming.

You know, because she'd taken her time.

"Is it?"

Swish of that tail again. Then this stranger may be funny! She treaded water with her belly fur. Silly wolf, one did not swim with their fur!

At least, she had no swimming lessons and she assumed so.

"No, miss! Not I. I am no master of lake. No friends in my follow, you see?"

Shrugging her shoulders up, she quirked her head to the side to motion behind her; though, not taking eyes off of her new friend in presence.
Standing slowly as not to alarm the onlooker, the tall wolf craned her neck to look around the stranger for hidden enemies. She didn't see anything... Grackle squinted at the wolf momentarily, an attempt at insight. It didn't seem like she was lying? There was something perhaps... mischievous to their countenance, but not deceitful. Either way, she wouldn't let down her guard just yet.

Getting a better look at this wolf now, they could almost have been sisters. Minus Grackle's lumbering size, and lack of white spotting, the two looked eerily similar, even down to the unblinking, marble like eyes. Is this what other wolves felt like when she looked at them? There was something unnerving about the stranger's wide gaze that made her pelt feel hot, and begged her to look away. 

With an uneasy flick of her tail, Grackle took a slow, testing step toward the shore. She would be sure to stay well out of lunging range, although, something told her it wouldn't be a physical fight she would have to worry about with this one.

My name is Grackle.  She said as she planted her last paw firmly back onto dry land, and gave her fluffy pelt a good shake. Please forgive me for not knowing the proper way to introduce myself, I only arrived in these lands a few days ago, Grackle said with an embarrassed smile. You're the first wolf I've met since I've arrived. She sat down as to be closer to the small stranger's height, wrapping her tail neatly around her paws.
"Pleasure to meet you," she paused at her name, "Grackle." Her head dipped, smile outlined on her muzzle. Inquisitive, she was. "You not yet find home here? Neither I!" she exclaimed almost proudly, mimicking Grackle's behavior of wrapping her tail around her paws. She did the same, no longer beating it behind her as she put her hind legs to the ground.

"Many wolves lie ahead in Grackle's path." Khaba crossed her mind. "Some of big teeth, great might and will!" Then Omnium. "Some like bears with no fang, and quiet as sand: gentle giants." Legend had not explained herself for being here, and it was simply because she saw no reason to. Strangers didn't need to ask strangers why one stalked the other and asked personal questions. No, that was a stupid notion by far!

"What lands do you walk from?"
Grackle stared at Legend expectantly for a moment, two moments... She cleared her throat with an awkward blink. Maybe it wasn't customary to exchange names? She had been presumptuous and preemptive. Next time she would wait for whomever she was talking with to share their name first.

Thank you for the information. I'll be more careful in the future. I wouldn't want anyone else, especially anyone with big teeth, sneaking up on me. She replied, taking comfort in not being the only newcomer to these lands. I hail from a forest far from here. It is filled with huge trees, as old as the mountains are tall. Grackle said with a fond smile. I miss it very much.

You have not found a home here either? Have you been here long? She hoped not. It wouldn't mean well for her if this wolf had been here many a month. She had hoped to join an already existing pack to create her empire, but if needed, she would create her own from scratch. That might make for a better story, anyway.
"You are lucky! VERY lucky you found I! Grackle would be the most unluckiest to have not. But now we have found each other. You look like cousin! You share same family?"

Then, her tail mimics again, falling over her feet. She's decided that she likes this behavior! It feels nice and comfy on her paws and makes her feel all secure! Grackle has smart ideas, from all her fanciness. Surely this woman is of a royal palace? Maybe they ate vipers spun in obsidian and night? Legend is only prodding and poking about sharing blood, but perhaps they did! Maybe she was her aunt. If only Grackle did not smell younger.

Then again, perhaps she did have younger aunts.

Her head was spinning wild with thoughts of befriended this stranger. Oh, it was all she could think about. How fascinated, how drawn in, how infatuated she was with this stranger's presence.

"Only two round moons have gone over head since my arrival. I look for home now, but I cannot not rest! I am traveler," she brings forth a proud grin, squinting her eyes with bubbling mischief. "Not many places are quiet, if that is what Grackle wants. All loud, where we are now. Do you smell them?" She and stranger, Grackle, were surrounded by neighboring packs. They were within a burning center of them.
Possibly, Grackle replied, deciding not to point out that it seemed more like the stranger had found her than the other way around. I don't know much of my family. I will admit we do look very alike.  She agreed, large green eyes traveling over her companion once again before coming to rest on her neck. She hadn't noticed the tear before, but now that she had it felt hard to pull her eyes away. Not that she hadn't seen wounds, but this one looked quite bad. What had caused such an injury?

Indeed. I was wary to come here, The wolf responded with an uncomfortable glance to either side.   Alas, water is a necessity to life, and this place smelled clearer than most I've come across.  She finished with a slightly dramatic shrug of her fluffy shoulders. 

Did you say you were a traveler? Grackle asked with a look of genuine curiosity, I'm sure you must have fascinating stories to tell. 
"Ohhh! Yeah! Lots of stories. I have many stories."

Some of them grim.

Those were the ones that were the bloody hares on top. Legend's eyes danced with fire as she dug up memories and tales that were ready at any given call. She was alive and she was lost in the divinity of them. The divinity that came with being a free spirit and crossing across lands unknown. Lands that many only saw in visions and stories. But for Grackle, she restrained. No, no! That is too easy! That is too simple, and she does not like simple. Grackle should have many things too, might she not? This idea, this possibility, this concept that Grackle had her own stories to tell had the imp by the throat, and it was all she wanted to hear. So, she scooted closer, wiggling her tail about and continuously up-righting her posture- a habit she showcased prominently enough. 

"But what of you, Grackle? Surely you have many to tell! Should I tell stories, I could lead us into daylight should you like. And your stories? They come from.. lands of muck?"
Grackle who had been almost unsettlingly still, with the exception of a few big movements to emphasize her words, gave a curious turn of her head as she watched Legend squirm closer. Should she take a step back? It could be safer... But her political, diplomatic nature wouldn't allow her to take the chance of offending this new possible ally just yet. Lands of muck? Do you mean unpleasant? She asked, not fully understanding the wolf's words.
"No water clean?" It was then that she started to reconsider what she had heard. Surely Grackle meant that she had only found foul, gross lands so far! To have heard otherwise? She sat nice and still herself next, pulled back from her and twitching her nose. There was a bit of nervousness there. Her brain had now been rattling with other possibilities that needed to be soothed.
Oh! Lands of Muck! Grackle said with a nod.  Yes, this is the first place with clean water I've found in a few days. Where I just came from, there was much water, but all of it was bad -no good for drinking. Is that the place you were referring to? She had thought the wolf was being metaphorical, a bad story that brought up unpleasant feelings leading you to a land of sorrow, a land of muck. Not a physical place. That made more sense she supposed.
"Yeah," she responded simply, firmly, all the while wiggling her tail behind her again. Then, a slow, gentle laugh arose from her lips. "That sounds unpleasant." Grackle, Grackle, Grackle. She questioned how she'd manage in her home. How she'd crawl or prosper in the familiarity of not filthy water, but lack of. So, now she came to a stand, pacing around before bringing her gaze above the line of the lake. Nasty, relevant passion rested in her eyes.

"You wonder what is out there, Grackle?"

She felt a tickle in her spin, shivering her tail and shaking her neck off.

"I do."

Quickly taking whiffs of the air, she stretched her paws down, falling into a dramatic and drawn out stretch before standing straight. "I want- want to see. See rest of here, and breathe it. Many clans. Many bodies. Many whispers, Grackle! And I? I want to make love to their presence! They call out to you, too? The unknowns? They must."
Grackle's muscles tensed as the stranger stood, eyes never leaving the ash grey pelt. Curiouser and curiouser was this spindly little creature. 

With an amused, or perhaps concerned, flick of her tail, Grackle removed it from over top of her paws and stood. The first question did not seem wanting of an answer, so the loner did not give one, instead coming to stand beside the smaller wolf and look out upon the lake. Her body ached with the movement, begging her to sit and rest once again but she paid it no heed. There would be time to rest later, out of the presence of this puzzle of a woman. 

Of course they do, miss. The unknown did call to her, but presumably for a different reason. She was nosy yes, but only because she enjoyed the power that came with knowing things. Maybe this was the same with the one she was speaking with, maybe not. Everyone had their own motives, and it wasn't polite to assume everyone a power hungry busybody. However unlike the little one at her side, she was no traveler. She wanted to find a home and stay there. But how was one to find a home without exploration? 

Grackle had presumed a moment ago that "lands of daylight" had meant stories evoking blissful adventures, but "lands of muck" had meant an actual literal place, were "lands of daylight" too? She thought for a moment, wondering whether or not to voice her question. It would be useful to know more about these unfamiliar lands, but as she had learned as a pup, people did not like silence and would usually do anything to fill it- leading to much more interesting and useful discoveries. There was also that intriguing look in her blue eyes. Frustration? Irritation? Grackle couldn't be sure, but she was curious as to where the wolf was going with this. So, she would hold her tongue for now and let her continue on with her thought.