Wolf RPG

Full Version: the nature of daylight
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Just a quick thread for Granite before I head out on vacation! Will probably only have it be a few replies :-)

Like time, Thunderdome's violent storm passed. Lightening had kissed the highest minarets of stone upon the mountain and left scorched marks in their wake. Gray clouds rolled out and left behind a blue sky. The following days were cool, dewy and calm.

Granite, new to life, awoke from a nap. At only a few days old, his eyes and ears were still closed... but the smells!

Oh, the world smelled wonderful.

In particular, the scent of petrichor tickled his snout. Granite cooed in awe as he crawled away from his siblings to explore.
Raen, though she was ignorant to her name, felt cold again. What? There was a wiggle near her, a warm little body trying to get past her? 


She scooted after her sibling.
Granite felt he was being followed!

He turned upon his bi-colored sister and gummed at her ears playfully, happy to have her company. Let them explore together!