Wolf RPG

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AW, set at night sometime after Ensio and Sov meet/reunite with Arlette.If nobody joins this can be a RO :)

The yearling took some time to explore as the sun went down, giving the Valley a last hurrah of glory in the highlights from the dying sun.
Mindful of other claims, Sovereign stopped in a nameless meadow under the yawning sky of stars.

One by one, the meadow filled with fireflies, lighting up the grasses in a brilliant display. 
Sovereign watched the display with a growing, awe-filled smile on her face as the bugs danced around the field.
The princess was still for a long moment before hesitantly stepping further into the soft grasses, where she would find her inner pup again, if only for a moment.

The girl leapt into the air and landed with a soft grunt from her weight, and she would run and leap and spin and play like nobody was watching.

Because, as far as she knew, nobody was.