Wolf RPG

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This is the worst starter but I wanted to finally get this up
Tavina had asked her about marriage; about @Naberius. To be a wife was not something Melody had ever aspired to; motherhood, too, held little appeal. Still, she couldn't help wondering what it might be like.

Naberius was an interesting man, after all. Handsome in his way, surely not lacking in charm, but there was something else there that she couldn't quite place. She wasn't sure she liked the vibe of it, whatever it was, but sought him nonetheless. She was sure she wouldn't ever want to marry him. But it wouldn't hurt to talk to him a bit, would it?
Naberius laid out on the cool underground redrock, his back and front limbs stretching out and his belly to the earth. Often, Naberius was outside, wondering the territory if not running out into the open flatland and endless sky. 

At the high point of summer and midday, even Naberius receded into the shady spots. Hanging around in one of the common ground areas seemed to be a good choice. It did not take long for someone to approach him. Ah, hello again, golden priestess. He welcomed with a grin.