Wolf RPG

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AW! Happy to help with pack creation <3

While en route to Moontide with news of Raventhorpe's resettlement, she broke a path toward the glacier, following old caribou trails that would likely be frequented again in the winter months. She had travelled this route before, and enjoyed treating herself to a drink of glacier-fed water, knowing that with each passing summer the glacier would shrink, to be revived in the winter with piles of fresh snow. 

She paused, however, when she started noticing the scent of wolves in the area, and breathed in, licking her nose to improve her sense of smell. She was surprised to find the musk of scent-markings, and drew in a bit closer to investigate for herself. While the scents of the wolves were a bit unfamiliar, she thought she caught a whiff of Moontide as well- perhaps a visitor? 

This wasn't where she suspected Moonspear should be- and it wasn't Moonglow, either, which was supposed to be quite near Moonspear. She tried to figure out if Heph had mentioned any others, and found her memory failing her a bit. If she'd mentioned something about another pack, Thyra couldn't remember it. Maybe this wasn't an affiliation at all- but she wanted to find out. This pack, after all, would be a new neighbour to them, if it was settled here. 

She could smell someone in the area, possibly patrolling, and let out a soft call to see if she could rein them in her direction.
Fjall was not very familiar with scent-marking, patrolling, or any other activity related to claiming a territory, but he was trying. He’d never lived in one place for long; due at first to his mother’s memory loss and their constant travelling, and now due to his own wanderings, hoping only to see her again. Helping to establish a homestead was an entirely new experience for him.

Instead of lifting his leg, he’d spread his legs slightly to avoid peeing on them and mark the borders that way. He was doing this when he heard a call nearby. The yearling swallowed nervously, hesitating for a beat before venturing towards the sound.

An earthy she-wolf with ink-dipped extremities stood ahead of him. She was pretty in the way he found most women and looked to be about the same age as him, none of which helped to calm his social anxiety. Wagging as he approached, Fjall came to a stop before the stranger with a polite bob of his pale crown. I greet you, he said, irrevocably soft-spoken. My name is Fjall. Can I help you?
One came to greet her, his expression as soft as cornsilk. Likely a yearling like her, whose nervous friendliness was echoed by the girl who fidgeted lightly to see someone so fair approach her. Her ears flicked forward when he spoke, and his words caused her to tilt her head to the side, curiously. She had heard that greeting many times before, always associated with wolves from one of the Moonpacks. 

"Fjall," She said, finding the name relatively easy to pronounce even with her own accented tongue. She could have sworn she'd heard something very similar to that in her birth pack. "I greet you too; I am Thyra, of Raventhorpe," She said. "-Originally, though, we were known as Hljodrfell but...Raventhorpe is our new name, eh; easier to pronounce," She said with a somewhat guilty smile. "I am on my way to Moontide, but I noticed your borders, new, yes?" She asked.
Thyra of Raventhorpe.

It sounded enchanting, Fjall thought. The girl herself was an idol of the forest: eyes the soft gray-green of bay leaves, fur the same color of sun-dappled earth — her pelt an embrace of bronze and shadow. She was terribly sweet, too. A friendly meekness that said she stood unaware of what a vision she was.

He felt his throat tighten.

Moontide, yes— I mean, this is Moonsong. We are sister-village to the moon-packs. Our borders are very new, yes, he agreed bashfully. I realize now that this may make your journey to Moontide a little longer.

But Fjall was too kind to inconvenience her. I... can escort you, if you’d like? It is a small walk across — just a corner of our claim, really — we will be fast. His tail gave a hopeful wag.
His voice was kind and soft, as appealing as the gentle face that regarded her in such a way that made her cheeks warm. She found herself smiling even though she had no reason to. Joy, she found, came to her so easily when she was finally in the presence of someone her own age, especially one as easy on the eyes as him. 

She knew of the fellowship between the moonpacks but listened to his explanation regardless. She’d let him list off all the packs if he wanted to- teach her the things she already knew, just so she could hear them spoken from his lips. 

His offer to escort her made her heart flutter. ”Oh! That would be so kind of you, Fjall!” She beamed. Secretly, she hoped it would not be too fast of a trip.