Wolf RPG

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In the halls of the dead, a cat merrily led the way for his paws. Not the ibis, who he assumed would come for him, nor the baboon.

At his other side, the jackal.

“You do not belong here.” Hummed the guide, ceaseless black eyes watching his very soul. He
from what felt like a blow. He did not meet those eyes.

The jackal clicked their tongue, cryptic, haunting.

“You should consider where your loyalties lie, priest. Ibis?”


“Or cat”

There was a push-

For the first time since they had closed to Tavina’s medicine, his eyes

Shadows played across the ceiling-

It was night in Muat-Riya. Akhtar was alone, from what he could see, could smell,
couldn’t lift his head

He blinked, foggily, messily, still swimming with the drugs.